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Articles About Yellow Springs School Board :: Page 10

  • YSHS gains national honor a second time

    For the second time in the past five years, Yellow Springs High School was named one of the state’s top high schools in the annual U.S. News and World Report high school survey.

  • Yellow Springs schools eye hiring fundraiser

    Yellow Springs schools are considering increasing expenditures next year for a new full-time employee to help raise private funds for the district.

  • Yellow Springs Schools’ open enrollment acts as a stabilizer

    This year Yellow Springs schools currently have the highest enrollment the local district has seen since 1984. However, 23 percent of the students are commuting to Yellow Springs from their homes in other districts. That number of open enrollment students is also the highest it has been in the district’s history.  The Yellow Springs school […]

  • Yellow Springs High School students to try alternative tests

    Yellow Springs High School students are scheduled to try out the first of a bevy of alternative standardized tests that the school district is considering for next year.

  • Making the call for calamity days

    During this exceptionally cold and snowy winter, Yellow Springs School Superintendent Mario Basora has closed local schools eight times, three more than the state’s maximum of five calamity days per school year without having to make up the days.

  • School board— School of rock replaces ‘flex’

    An overwhelming majority of Yellow Springs High School students last fall voiced disappointment with part of a new scheduling system that was implemented at the beginning of the school year.

  • Angela Wright leaves school board with hope

    Angela Wright left the school board last month after 20 years and four full terms of serving the schools. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Having served 20 years as a Yellow Springs school board member over a span of three decades, Angela Wright has seen her share of ebb and flow in the district.

  • District honors former Yellow Springs School Board members

    At the Dec. 12 school board meeting, outgoing board President Benji Maruyama and board member Angela Wright were honored for their service to the district.

  • How much tech should be in Yellow Springs schools?

    The Yellow Springs community needs to have a serious discussion about the technology that local students need to keep up with today’s educational demands, Yellow Springs Superintendent Mario Basora said at the November school board meeting last week.

  • Yellow Springs candidates’ forums video, online

    Yellow Springs 2013 candidates’ forums video, online, courtesy of local access cable Channel 5.

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