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Articles About Yellow Springs School Board :: Page 8

  • School board— Fundraiser’s 1st year update

    Longtime friends Sam Bachtell, left, and Wally Sikes were honored Thursday, June 8, during the Yellow Springs Board of Education meeting for their decades of individual volunteer service to the school district. Recipients of the second-annual Bulldog Backers Award, each man was recognized for contributions that included working with the district’s levy committees through the years. They are shown here at a recent lunch. (Submitted photo)

    Dawn Boyer, the Yellow Springs School District’s director of advancement and community relations, reported on her first year in the position during the Board of Education’s regularly scheduled meeting Thursday, June 8.

  • Potential Mills Lawn School facilities site discussed

    Responding to public feedback following the recent school facilities forum, District Superintendent Mario Basora stated at last week’s school board meeting that “no decision has yet been made” regarding moving forward with new school facilities, as “all plans are transparently still under discussion.”

  • Yellow Springs School Board— ‘Wheelchair Experience’ at Mills Lawn

    Above, from left, Nick Meister, Tyee Meeks and Ayla Arnold play soccer in sports wheelchairs brought over to the school from the Wright State Office of Recreation. (Photo by Robert Hasek)

    Students from Mills Lawn Elementary School’s fourth-grade classes presented the findings of their recent PBL project, “Wheelchair Experience,” which gave students in the class a better understanding of what school is like for their “wheelchair friends.”

  • Parents, students, staff assess schools

    A majority of parents, students and staff at Yellow Springs schools have positive impressions of the district staff and schools, according to a recent survey conducted by the Yellow Springs School District.

  • Yellow Springs school board— Early success on 2020 plan?

    It’s only 2017, but the 2020 strategic plan for Yellow Springs schools is — with a few key exceptions — mostly accomplished.

  • Yellow Springs school board— Next step on facilities update

    Yellow Springs school board members and village residents will soon be considering options for dealing with aging infrastructure and meeting the district’s evolving instructional needs.

  • School board updated on district fundraising

    At last week’s school board meeting, the Yellow Springs school district’s Director of Advancement and Community Relations presented the board with an overview of her office’s fundraising efforts.

  • Yellow Springs Schools opt for locked doors

    At its December meeting, the school board agreed to go forward with plans to add a buzzer and camera to the front doors of Mills Lawn Elementary, a decision spurred by recent events in that school.

  • Village Council— Improving school bikeway safety

    Recent concerns about the safety of students traveling on West South College Street have prompted the Village to look into improving bikeways on that route.

  • School board— Eighth graders may travel to NYC

    Thanks in part to the success of the seventh-grade “Into the Wild” trip, McKinney Middle School teachers are seeking to enlarge the scope of the annual eighth-grade trip to Washington, D.C., scheduled to depart on May 4.

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