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Articles About Yellow Springs School Board :: Page 7

  • School board meeting— State report card discussed

    While Yellow Springs received mixed grades on the 2016–2017 Ohio school report card, district leaders remain skeptical that the report card system delivers meaningful data about local schools.

  • School board meeting — $18.5 million plan discussed

    The Yellow Springs school district is considering an $18.5 million “hybrid” renovation/addition plan for McKinney Middle/Yellow Springs High School, while leaving facilities issues at Mills Lawn School for a second phase, potentially several years down the road.

  • Precinct-level results for Nov. 2017 election

    About 50 percent of Yellow Springs voters cast ballots in yesterday’s elections. Results by precinct for the four local races and two state issues are provided here.

  • School facilities update — K–12 options off the table

    The Yellow Springs school district is no longer considering building options that would put a combined K–12 facility on a single site, according to Superintendent Mario Basora this week. He cited cost as the reason for taking the K–12 options off the table.

  • Schools survey underway

    This week and next, several hundred villagers will be contacted by Wright State researchers and asked about their preferences for addressing the needs of local school facilities.

  • Board of Education— Meeting focuses on facilities

    The Yellow Springs Board of Education met in a work session on Wednesday, Sept. 13, to take stock of the ongoing discussion about the future of the district’s physical facilities and to determine the board’s next steps.

  • Broad slate of candidates as village, township races kick off

    Local voters will have a broad slate of candidates from which to choose in the Nov. 7 general election races for Yellow Springs Mayor, Village Council, Board of Education and Miami Township Trustees.

  • School facilities question— One town builds, one does not

    In the past 10 or so years, every school district in Greene County, except Yellow Springs, has either already built new school buildings or passed a levy to do so soon. The same is true for each district contiguous to the Yellow Springs schools.

  • ‘Community Pulse’ meeting— YS school facilities discussed

    About 50 villagers heard from a panel of eight Yellow Springs School district teachers and shared their ideas, questions and concerns on the future of the district’s school buildings Tuesday, July 11, at Mills Lawn School.

  • Meeting eyes Yellow Springs Schools facilities

    About 40 villagers attended the school district’s first “Community Pulse” event June 15, to focus on the condition of the district’s buildings.

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