
Articles About Yellow Springs School Board :: Page 5

  • New arts courses offered at YSHS

    Students at McKinney Middle School and Yellow Springs High School will have some new elective course offerings available to them next year in the arts and communication fields.

  • School board considers sale of land

    A recently conducted land-use study of property owned by Yellow Springs Schools concluded that the district has about 23 acres of “underutilized land” that “could be considered for subdivision and redevelopment as residential properties.”

  • School Board—Superintendent search begins

    At its regular meeting Thursday, March 14, the board welcomed two representatives of a Columbus-based firm that will assist throughout the process of getting a new superintendent hired before the end of the school year.

  • New YSHS McKinney Middle School principal to be approved

    The Yellow Springs school board unanimously approved current Vice Principal Jack Hatert as the new principal at Yellow Springs High School/McKinney Middle School beginning the 2019–20 school year. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    In a special meeting Thursday, March 21, the Yellow Springs school board was expected to approve Jack Hatert as the new principal at Yellow Springs High School/McKinney Middle School for the 2019–20 school year.

  • Yellow Springs Schools—Principal candidates welcomed

    In an executive session before the regular school board meeting on March 14, district Superintendent Mario Basora expects to come to a decision on selecting a new principal for Yellow Springs High School and McKinney Middle School.

  • School board — Deficit spending predicted

    If the revenue and expenditures of Yellow Springs Schools continue this year as projected, the district will end the 2018–19 fiscal year with a $126,000 drop in its reserves, according to district Treasurer Dawn Bennett.

  • YS school board — District seeks levy renewal

    With a renewal levy on the Nov. 6 ballot, Yellow Springs school  district leaders want local voters to know that the measure, if approved, will not increase their tax bill.

  • School board — Concerns over safety linger at high school

    Concerns over student safety and well-being, administrative accountability and district leadership were aired at an emotionally heightened Yellow Springs school board meeting last week. 

  • YS school board accepts resignation— Krier on paid leave until spring

    Last week the Yellow Springs school board accepted the resignation of Yellow Springs High School/McKinney Middle School Principal Tim Krier, effective next spring.

  • Communication issues cited in Krier evaluation; student to be charged

    Update: Principal’s year-end evaluation emphasizes district “concern” about “communicating vital information.” Student at the center of sexual harassment allegations will be charged.

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