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Articles About Yellow Springs School Board :: Page 4

  • New school board makeup expected to bring changes

    After more than a decade, when changes in school board makeup occurred mostly one new member at a time, amid the constancy of veteran office holders serving multiple terms and carrying over familiar approaches, newcomers are in the super-majority as 2022 begins.

  • New school board members take seats

    The Yellow Springs school board’s annual organizational meeting, conducted in the Mills Lawn gym on Thursday, Jan. 13, began with the swearing in of its three newest members: Dorothée Bouquet, Judith Hempfling and Amy Magnus.

  • YS school board— Deficit delayed by one year

    Revenue over the past 10 months is about $500,000 ahead of budgeted projections, while expenses are about $500,000 under budget.

  • Teacher vaccinations tied to reopening by March 1

    Yellow Springs students, whose instruction has been 100% online since the start of the 2020–21 school year, will return to the classroom — at least part time — no later than March 1.

  • Special Yellow Springs Board of Education meeting

    A special Board of Education will be live-streamed Monday, Dec. 18, at 12:30 p.m. on the schools’ YouTube channel.

  • Land annexation moves ahead

    Council began the process of annexing 34 acres of land on the south end of the Village at its virtual meeting on Monday, Sept. 21.

  • YS Schools restart— District assesses risks

    This story looks at some of the risks of both in-person and online instruction that local educators are weighing in planning for the new academic year.

  • Yellow Springs Schools to start academic year online

    In a specially called online meeting Saturday morning, July 25, the Yellow Springs school board unanimously approved a plan to restart the 2020–21 academic year with all students receiving online instruction presented by district teachers.

  • Yellow Springs Schools — Holden takes the helm

    Terri Holden, Yellow Springs’ new superintendent of schools, moved into her new office full time on Monday, July 22, and is beginning her work by talking to people about their experiences of the local schools. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    Her official contract doesn’t begin until Aug. 1, but Terri Holden, the new superintendent of Yellow Springs Schools, is already on the job full time.

  • Yellow Springs Schools — Holden addresses facilities

    The schools facilities task force meeting, Wednesday, July 3, set aside time for incoming Yellow Springs Schools Superintendent Terri Holden to speak about her perspective on the task force’s role.

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