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Articles About Yellow Springs Soccer Inc.

  • Kicks for kids

    Yellow Springs Soccer, Inc.’s Recreational Youth Soccer kicked off on Saturday, Aug. 17.

  • Sports Announcements

    Yellow Springs Soccer, Inc. will hold a community potluck on Saturday, Nov. 6, 7–9 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church. The potluck will celebrate over 45 years of recreational soccer and honor Duke Conrad and Shirley Kristensen for their contributions to women’s soccer in Yellow Springs.

  • Dinner fetes soccer

    Yellow Springs Soccer, Inc. will hold a community potluck on Saturday, Nov. 6, 7–9 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church. The potluck will celebrate over 45 years of recreational soccer and honor Duke Conrad and Shirley Kristensen for their contributions to women’s soccer in Yellow Springs. Current and former players, referees, coaches and their families are encouraged to attend. Those planning to attend should bring a dish to share and table service for each person.

  • Soccer camp registration begins

    YSSI will host the British Soccer Challenger Sports camps again this summer during the week of June 14–18 for children in Yellow Springs and surrounding areas. Registration has begun, and those who register prior to April 30 will receive free soccer jerseys. Sign up may also be completed online at A limited number of […]

  • Soccer camp registration begins

    On Saturday, April 24, British Soccer Challenger Sports and Yellow Springs Soccer Inc., or YSSI, will hold a free hour-long soccer clinic at the Morgan fields, to give the community a preview of the upcoming summer camps.

  • Bulldog Sports Round-up

    On a dreary day at the Div. III District cross country meet at Englewood’s Miami Valley Tech Center on Saturday, Oct. 24, YSHS ninth grader Lois Miller emerged eighth out of 140 runners in 20:20.

  • Bulldog Sports Round-up

    Boys soccer beats Greenview The YSHS boys soccer team beat the Greeneview Rams 3–2 on the road Saturday, Oct. 10. After a lackluster first half, the Bulldogs were fortunate to only be trailing the Rams 1–0, and soon enough, Greeneview was up 2–0 before Yellow Springs finally started to click. Alexis Onfroy scored first on […]

  • 45 years for soccer league

    Yellow Springs Soccer Inc., YSSI, will celebrate 45 years of recreational soccer and honor Joe Robinson, the founder of the YS Recreational Soccer League, with a community potluck on Saturday, Nov. 7, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Mills Lawn School auditorium. Interested individuals and families are encouraged to keep this date available and […]

  • Free adult soccer mini-camp offered

    Challenger Soccer British Soccer Coaches will teach a Mini Adult Soccer Camp, Saturday, June 27, 9:30–11 a.m., behind the Yellow Springs High School, on the practice soccer field. Parents/guardians can learn how to help their children improve their soccer skills.

  • Challenger Soccer to return to village

    Yellow Springs Soccer, Inc., a non-profit organization which promotes the enhancement of soccer in the Yellow Springs community, will host the third annual Challenger Sports British Soccer Camp this summer. The soccer camp will be held June 22–26 at the boys’ soccer practice field located behind the Yellow Springs High School.

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