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Articles About YSHS Drama Club

  • YSHS stage lights up for second weekend of Almost, Maine

    YSHS’s fall play “Almost, Maine” continues this weekend at Mills Lawn auditorium.

  • A swinging spring musical at YSHS — Grease opens Friday

    Yellow Springs High School students are eager to play their rebellious teenage counterparts at the fictitious Rydell High School in this year’s spring musical, Grease.

  • Show goes on for One-Acts

    The Yellow Springs High School One-Acts, featuring student-written and student-directed plays, will be held at 8 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 17, at the Mills Lawn auditorium. This year’s playwrights of original one-acts are, from left, Lois Miller, Colton Pitstick and Rory Papania. This year, the plays will be supplemented with a variety show. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    It’s a Friday night in Yellow Springs and a group of high school kids are looking for things to do. The typical, albeit caricatured, teenage banter is captured in a one-act play written by YSHS students Rory Papania and Lois Miller and will be performed at this year’s annual staging of student-written, student-directed pieces.

  • VIDEO: A sneak peek of YSHS’s Chicago

    The Yellow Springs High School drama club will open its spring musical, Chicago, this weekend. See a video sneak peek after the jump.

  • Wilde and witty

    Copies of this and other photographs may be purchased from the Yellow Springs News; please contact us via e-mail at or by phone, between 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Mon.–Fri.

  • One-acts take fairy tale leap

    The annual Yellow Springs High School One-Act Plays are upon us again, this year led predominantly by members of the junior class. The plays this year include everything from awkward situations to a not-so-super hero, mixed up fairy tales, a mad scientist, blind dates, Power Rangers, war stories and a French-teaching superman. Even with new guidelines put into place by the students themselves, the one-acts are sure to be as good as ever.

  • YSHS actors to soar in ‘Peter Pan’

    Backed by a full musical ensemble of community members, the Yellow Springs High School Drama Club, Thespian Troupe #4671 and the YSHS Theatre Arts Association will present Peter Pan in the Mills Lawn auditorium April 24, 25, 26 and May 1, 2, 3.

    It’s a “new spin on a very traditional tale,” director Kelly Pekar said of the production. “We’ve tried to pull out some of the deeper meanings…about how time changes people.”

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