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Articles About YSHS Watchdog

  • New YSHS newspaper a hit with students

    The new Writing for Publications class at Yellow Springs High School, taught by English teacher Desirée Nickell, is putting out a monthly newspaper. Class members pictured are, front row left to right, Ms. Nickell, Rachell Meyer, Liana Rothman, Julia Tucheslau and Shyanne Barnett. Those in the top row, left to right, are Collin Hardy, Rory Papania, Gabe Amrhein, Jazz Exel, Henry Crews, Issac Haller, Kelly Miller, Austin Bailey, Bella Hernandez and Max Mullin. (Photo by Kelsey Cundiff)

    Along with many other changes that took place this year at YSHS, something new was offered to students: a unique, workshop-type class in which students produce a monthly school newspaper.

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