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Articles About YSI Inc. :: Page 2

  • YSI helps during the Gulf oil spill

    When a drilling rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico this spring and millions of gallons of crude oil began gushing into the ocean, one local company jumped at the opportunity to monitor the toxic oil’s movement and measure its environmental contamination — YSI Incorporated.

  • YSI wins Third Frontier grant

    YSI Incorporated, in collaboration with Riehl Engineering and the University of Cincinnati, was recently announced as one of only six recipients statewide of a 2010 Ohio Third Frontier grant.

  • YSI acquires DAA, a new subsidiary

    YSI Incorporated has recently acquired Design Analysis Associates, Inc., or DAA, of Logan, Utah, according to a June 11 YSI press statement. “We’re very excited about this opportunity and glad they are now part of YSI,” Rick Omlor, YSI president and CEO, said in an e-mail message this week.

  • Large YS employers holding steady

    While the turbulent economic climate has affected all regions of the country, some municipalities are faring better than others. So far, Yellow Springs seems to be one of the relatively fortunate towns, as most of the largest employers in Yellow Springs report overall stability, even as they face the coming year with caution.

  • Trolander’s lifetime of triumphs

    The early radio was one of the simplest electric circuits that existed in the 1930s, but for a monumentally curious 10-year-old Hardy Trolander, that mysterious machine was the door to a lifetime of inventing and improving the art of problem-solving.

  • Sixty years of innovation at YSI

    In this time of discouraging economic news, villagers can rest reassured that at least one Yellow Springs company is thriving. Celebrating its 60th year and boasting record profits, YSI Incorporated has navigated the last six decades successfully by sticking with its core values…

  • YSI contaminants still linger

    Several vigilant groups of environmentalists received satisfactory news last week when they met with the team leading the bioremediation of contaminants spilled at the YSI campus on Brannum Lane in the early 1990s.

  • A record year for YSI Inc.

    YSI Incorporated had a record year in 2007, posting a top-line revenue growth of 15 percent, to nearly $73 million, and a 40 percent increase in profits, said President and CEO Rick Omlor at the company’s annual shareholders meeting…

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