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Articles About alternative energy

  • Village solar field goes online

    Rows of shiny new solar panels on the Glass Farm are the latest and most visible symbol of the Village of Yellow Springs’ commitment to green energy.

  • The mystical salon of Wisdom Quest

    Wisdom Quest meets monthly at the Unitarian Fellowship to discuss astral travel, orgone, UFOs, and a wide variety of topics. Shown above are group organizer Bruce Forrester, standing, and last week’s speaker, Darrell Brann, who spoke on Archons, a nonphysical race who some believe threaten humans. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    Astral travel, Bedini generators, and UFOs powered by the life force of the universe: topics like these may seem obscure to casual readers, but they are familiar to the members of Wisdom Quest.

  • Village Council considers solar project

    At their Jan. 5 meeting, Village Council members heard robust support for a proposed community solar project.

  • Antioch College Farm sprouts power

    Antioch students David Schopmeyer, left, and Alex Rolland work on the college’s new solar array. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    A one-megawatt solar farm recently popped up at Antioch College along Corry Street as part of the college’s plan to become carbon neutral.

  • Sparking the revolution

    Third-year student Dustin Mapel welds the arm for the turbine in the campus shop, where YS Kids Playhouse was located over the summer. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)c

    As an extension of a Global Seminar on sustainable energy, Antioch College hosted a workshop last week on how to construct a wind turbine.

  • Village Council denies appeal to stop solar array

    At its July 21 meeting, Village Council voted unanimously to deny an appeal of Planning Commission’s June 23 decision to allow a solar array at Antioch College. The decision means that the college solar project is allowed to go forward.

  • New firm helps village go green

    New company GreenTech Energy Solutions will offer home energy audits, complete home retrofits and solar power products to local customers. Shannon Lindstrom, left, and alternative energy expert Chris Meyer, right, are partners in the new firm, along with Scott Lindstrom. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Interested in solar power? Adding insulation to your home? A super high-efficiency furnace? Then one local company, which is expanding services this month under a new name, may be the place to go for homeowners wanting to go green.

  • Solar panels generate discussion— Net metering rates debated

    On bright, sunny days, the electric meter at Harvey and Ruth Paige’s Meadow Lane residence spins backwards, thanks to solar photovoltaic array mounted in their backyard.

  • June 1 deadline for wind, bike project

    At Council’s May 7 meeting, Council members continued discussion on both issues, one a project aimed to make the village more attractive to cyclists, and the other adding more renewable energy to the Village energy portfolio.

  • Council eyes wind power

    At their April 16 meeting, Village Council members heard a presentation from Eric Lloyd of AMP, the municipal electric cooperative, regarding the Blue Creek Wind Energy Project, a new wind farm in northwest Ohio.

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