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Articles About animals

  • Rooster dispute could spur ban

    Planning Commission began considering a villagewide rooster ban at its Jan. 14 meeting.

  • Cows, combs, fast food at the Greene County fair

    Yellow Springs resident Austin Pence did some last minute primping and preening of the heifer that he and friend Jordin Snider showed in the Greene County Fair last week. Pence has been showing cattle for 13 years, and said that heifers should be big-boned and have a wide chest. Not too spread out, but not too close together. “You want the heifers to look effeminate,” he said, “like they can carry a baby.” (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    Yellow Springs native Austin Pence has been showing cattle at the Greene County Fair for 13 years, and the pre-show primping is part of the daily routine.

  • From cats to cows, answers on air

    For three years now, Brett Ellis has been hosting a call-in radio show on Joe Mullins’ radio station, WBZI. During his 15-minute segment on Thursdays, Brett “the Vet” answers people’s questions and concerns about their domestic animals, be they pets or livestock.

  • Animal magnetism on the ’Fridge

    "Hobbes hides", submitted by Robin Suits, is the winner — by a hair — of the Yellow Springs News's People's Pets photo contest.

    What have we gotten ourselves into? That is what I’m wondering, as I look at all the wonderful submissions of animal companions.

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