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Articles About antioch college :: Page 4

  • Wellness for body, mind, community

    Newly hired Antioch College Wellness Center Director Monica Hasek, left, and Project Lead Dorothy Roosevelt beside the center’s almost-completed pool, in the natatorium that features a wall of windows on the south side, with a patio beyond. The center is scheduled to be completed in late summer or early fall. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Nearing the end of its $8 million, yearlong renovation, the new Antioch College Wellness Center will have an abundance of light. And that light serves many purposes, according to project lead Dorothy Roosevelt.

  • Wingard to lecture tonight

    Leslie Wingard will present “Black Men and the Crisis of Faith in Literature and Film” tonight at 7 p.m. in Olive Kettering Library at Antioch College.

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