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Articles About antioch college :: Page 2

  • Antioch College announces new full-tuition scholarships and work program

    Beginning in fall 2020, Antioch College will provide full-tuition scholarships to students eligible for Pell grants, as well as scholarships, job preparedness and post-baccalaureate job placement for all students.

  • Antioch College closes Thursday afternoon after ‘credible threat’

    Antioch College closed this afternoon after a “credible threat.” The situation was de-escalated by local police just after 4 p.m., and the college community received the “all clear” to return to campus around 5:20 p.m.

  • A new vision for Antioch Hall

    If all goes as planned, Antioch Hall will have heat by the end of the year.
    The return of warmth to the iconic structure at Antioch’s heart, commonly known as Main Building, is the result of a unique collaboration between the college and village.

  • Clubs get students abuzz at Antioch

    Antioch has a centuries-long history of student-run endeavors, and with the first quarter of 2019 underway, more and more Independent Groups have begun popping up.

  • Lamb protesters deliver petition to Antioch College

    A group campaigning to save the nine lambs that are part of Antioch College’s farm-to-table program delivered a petition to President Tom Manley without incident this afternoon, Oct. 25.

  • Controversy over lambs intensifies

    The fate of nine lambs on the campus of Antioch College — the focus of an animal rights campaign since June — has generated fresh controversy and a threat this past week.

  • WYSO now independent nonprofit

    Local public radio station 91.3 FM-WYSO, started by three Antioch College students in 1958, is now independent and community-owned. On Aug. 30, the Federal Communications Commission, or FCC, gave final approval for the transfer of the station’s broadcast license from longtime owner Antioch College to Miami Valley Public Media, Inc., a newly created nonprofit governed by a seven-member community board.

  • Food, clothing drive at Antioch to feature speakers

    Karla Reyes, managing editor of Breaking the Chains: A Socialist Perspective on Women’s Liberation, will speak on the women’s movement at a food and clothing drive at the Coretta Scott King Center at Antioch College.

    The People’s Congress of Resistance, the Party for Socialism and Liberation and Antioch College’s newly founded, first-ever Black Student Union will hold a clothing and food drive on Friday, Feb. 22, beginning at 5 p.m. at the Coretta Scott King Center. The collection event will feature two speakers.

  • WYSO to separate from Antioch

    Local radio station 91.3 FM-WYSO will no longer be owned by Antioch College, according to college and station leaders this week.

  • Antioch recognized for sustainability practices

    The college's first crew of four-legged lawnmowers in 2015, shown with Farm Manager Kat Christen and then-student and Farm Assistant Alli King.

    Antioch College has been recognized as a top performer in the 2018 Sustainable Campus Index.

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