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Articles About celebration

  • Today is officially Mayor Foubert Day

    Nov. 25 is “David Foubert Day,” per a Nov. 20 proclamation by Village Council.

  • Home with Home, Inc.

    Tim and Julia Honchel were honored as the newest homeowners of local affordable housing land trust Home, Inc. at its annual members meeting last Sunday. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Tim and Julia Honchel were honored as the newest homeowners of local affordable housing land trust Home, Inc. at its annual members meeting last Sunday.

  • Merry marchers, friendly fire on the Fourth

    Richard Zopf whipped up patriotic fervor for the Odd Fellows, who organized 4th of July parade and fireworks. (PHhoto by Diane Chiddsiter)

    Villagers and visitors didn’t let gloomy skies and the occasional raindrop thwart their Fourth of July on Monday.

  • Kelley Fox to leave soon— The man who keeps our lights on retires

    Kelley Fox, head of the electric and water distribution crews, will retire at the end of January after 30 years working for the Village of Yellow Springs. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    The impending retirement of public works supervisor Kelley Fox at the end of this month has Yellow Springs administrators wondering how to replace the man in charge of keeping our lights on and our water running.

  • Drop on in

    A huge crowd of people packed Short Street and Xenia Ave. to bring in the New Year. Though the countdown was not exactly audible, the enthusiasm ramped up at midnight. (Photo by Suzanne Szempruch)

    A huge crowd of people packed Short Street and Xenia Ave. to bring in the New Year.

  • State of the Little Art

    The celebration of the newly renovated and reopened Little Art Theatre last Saturday included Tony the juggler, who charmed an audience of small and big kids alike. (Photos by Suzanne Szempruch)

    About 1,500 people toured the newly renovated and reopened Little Art Theatre last Saturday and enjoyed a daylong celebration.

  • 2013 Mills Lawn School Sixth Grade Clap-out

    For the younger residents of the school, it’s just the end of another grade. For the oldest, it’s the end of a world they’ve known since kindergarten.

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