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Articles About COVID-19 :: Page 12

  • 2020 Year in Review: Business

    2020 ushered in countless difficulties for the many small businesses that populate Yellow Springs. Restaurants endured challenges of meeting public health standards amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and shops had to cope with a decline in sales.

  • COVID-19 vaccines for school staff tied to March 1 reopening

    Yellow Springs Schools Superintendent Terri Holden says the district will agree to Gov. Mike DeWine’s stipulation that students return to in-person classes, at least part time, by March 1, in order to receive COVID-19 vaccinations for teachers and staff beginning the first week in February.

  • Village of Yellow Springs shares $40K in federal CARES funds

    New HVAC filtration systems, masks, gloves, stand-alone air purifiers, plexiglass partitions and hand sanitizer stations were among the products purchased by local organizations through the grant.

  • YS Schools— Board OKs hybrid transition plan

    Yellow Springs school district leaders are making plans for students to return to in-person classes, but exactly when that will be is uncertain.

  • Caring for COVID’s sickest patients

    Yellow Springs resident Chasilee Crawford is an ICU, or intensive care unit, nurse at Springfield Regional Medical Center. She volunteered to work in the hospital’s designated COVID-19 specific ICU when it was formed last March, and has been caring for patients who are severely ill with the disease ever since.

  • Health Commissioner Melissa Howell— A closer look at area surge

    Ohio saw a massive bump in COVID-19 cases on Tuesday, Dec. 8. That day, 25,721 new cases were reported, bringing the statewide case total well over the half-million mark since the pandemic’s start.

  • COVID-19 update— Antioch College reports outbreak

    After reporting just one COVID-19 infection during the fall quarter, Antioch College now has seven active cases on campus. Six students and one staff member tested positive for the virus over several days late last week, according to college spokesperson Christine Reedy.

  • Virus impact grows in Yellow Springs

    Three local businesses are closing for the winter during what their owners expect to be a grim few months of the pandemic. Whether other seasonal closures will follow in Yellow Springs remains to be seen.

  • Board approves plan for eventual return to in-person instruction

    The Yellow Springs school board approved a plan for the district’s second semester, which starts Jan. 19, to begin transitioning students back to the classroom for in-person instruction.

  • COVID-19 cases mount in YS

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    While the village has lagged surrounding communities in its rate and spread of COVID-19, local organizations and businesses are beginning to see — and in some instances publicly announce — more positive cases here.

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