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Articles About COVID-19 :: Page 14

  • Senior Center to reopen Monday

    That door will open again on Monday, Oct. 19, as the Senior Center welcomes seniors back with a “Coffee and Donuts with Friends” event.

  • COVID-19 surge; Greene County elevated to ‘red’

    With COVID-19 cases surging in Greene County, the county was elevated to “red” in the state’s warning system for the first time on Oct. 15. Greene County is seeing “very high exposure and spread” of the virus.

  • Remote learning challenges families

    This is the second of two stories asking how remote learning is going in the Yellow Springs Schools.

  • Antioch College— Back to campus under COVID-19

    Since announcing in June a return to residential learning for the fall term, Antioch has been finalizing its reopening plans, which now have been rolled out with few hitches.

  • A look inside Yellow Springs schools

    School has been in session for about a month, with instruction taking place online since the opening of the 2020–21 academic year on Aug. 27.

  • Chappelle’s final ‘Summer Camp’ shows canceled

    Possible exposure” to COVID-19 by someone in his “inner circle” has led comedian and Yellow Springs resident Dave Chappelle to bring an earlier than anticipated end to his summer-long series of shows at a rural property just north of the village.

  • Little Art Theatre to close again until 2021

    On Tuesday morning, Sept. 15, the Little Art Theatre's marquee displayed a note of gratitude after closing again following its Monday night screening. The Little Art's board of directors made the decision after low attendance over the last eight weekends of the theater's operation, and plan to reopen the theater again some time in 2021.

    After reopening for eight weeks, the Little Art Theatre has closed again due to low attendance, with a goal to reopen sometime in 2021.

  • COVID-19 surge in Greene County— Nursing homes, colleges drive increase

    Cases of COVID-19 in Greene County are “surging,” according to the Greene County Health Department last week. Nursing homes and college campuses are driving the recent increase, county health officials believe.

  • Local restaurants are rebounding, for now

    Six months into the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, business at local restaurants is surprisingly good.

  • Parents explore alternative school options

    The continuing pandemic has prompted area schools to restructure their methods and approaches, often drastically, with some adopting an online instructional plan, at least to start the year.

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