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Articles About COVID-19 :: Page 9

  • COVID-19 Update — October 7, 2021

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    The Ohio Department of Health, or ODH, on Saturday, Sept. 25, updated its guidance for COVID-19 vaccination booster shots.

  • COVID cases prompt temporary closure at YS Community Children’s Center

    Emotions are frayed among families and staff affiliated with the Yellow Springs Children’s Center, which has closed its doors until Sept. 7 in response to an outbreak of COVID-19 among students and teachers.

  • COVID-19 update: Variant spurs new restrictions

    Last week, Village Council moved its meetings back online and revived its downtown mask mandate. The Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce canceled the Oct. 9 Street Fair. Community events are once again paused or going remote. Vaccine mandates have been announced.

  • New beginnings for YS schools

    The first day of classes for Yellow Springs Schools was Monday, Aug. 23. And while the start of a new academic year is typically cause for heightened emotion — whether excitement or dread — this new start contains more feeling than typical years past.

  • COVID-19 Update — August 5, 2021

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    COVID-19 cases continue to climb in the state and county due to the highly contagious Delta variant. Ohio’s COVID-19 per capita case incidence rate rose to 77.4 cases per 100,000 for the two weeks ending July 29, up from 48.5 for the two weeks prior.

  • Yellow Springs schools to require masks

    The beginning of the new school year this month will look a lot like the end of last year for Yellow Springs district students, at least in terms of COVID-19 precautions.

  • Village PO clerk documents living with ‘long COVID’

    Most Americans are familiar with the most common symptoms of the illness caused by the coronavirus: fever, shortness of breath, sore throat, persistent cough, and loss of taste and/or smell. But what about when the symptoms of COVID linger, unfurling beyond two to six weeks into long months? What happens when those symptoms shift and evolve?

  • Yellow Springs fall Street Fair canceled

    The Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce announced via Facebook that it was cancelling this year’s fall Street Fair, originally scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 9. 

  • Yellow Springs mask mandate revived

    At an emergency meeting on Monday, Aug. 9, conducted remotely via Zoom, Village Council declared a state of emergency in the Village and re-enacted its downtown mask mandate, effective immediately.

  • COVID-19 Update

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    After a three-month decline, COVID-19 cases in Ohio and Greene County increased over the week. It follows a national trend of growing caseloads, which is associated with the much more contagious strain of COVID-19 known as the Delta variant.

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