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Articles About gender equity in sports

  • ‘Godspell’ sings of community

    The Yellow Springs Theater Company presents “Godspell” this weekend and next, with performances Fridays and Saturdays, April 3, 4, 10 and 11 at 7:30 and Sundays, April 5 and 12 at 3 p.m. at the Mills Lawn gym. Shown above rehearsing are cast members, from left, Ali Thomas, Ellen Ballerene, Sommer McGuire, Sarah Wildman, Lorrie Sparrow (behind), Mila De Spain, Miriam Eckenrode Saari and Jeanna GunderKline. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    “Godspell,” with its focus on Jesus’ message of love and forgiveness, will come to Yellow Springs this weekend and next, April 3, 4, 10 and 11 at 7:30 p.m. and April 5 and 12 at 3 p.m. at the Mills Lawn gym.

  • And they’re off!

    Over a hundred women and girls participated in the second annual Simply Women’s 5k Run/Walk last Saturday morning.

  • The race for girls in sports is on

    Female involvement in sports at Yellow Springs High School has been a much talked about subject over the past year. With the decline in the number of girls participating in high school sports noted by last year’s local women’s sports equity committee…

  • Girls play baseball, too

    Two sisters, Alex and Adrianne Beer, are playing baseball for Yellow Springs High School this season. Alex, a junior, and Adrianne, a freshman, are taking the field for the Bulldogs because there was not enough student interest to form a softball team. The girls would rather play softball, but enjoy playing baseball because they are happy to be playing anything at all.

  • Board of education meeting—Why fewer girls in YSHS sports?

    At the Sept. 10 Yellow Springs Board of Education meeting, the board heard a presentation on data regarding why local female youth participate less in sports than their male peers. Overall, the report stated that upper-grade girls, most of whom had played sports in lower grades, now found less satisfaction in sports, rated themselves as […]

  • A run for awareness, support

    [W]iggins, an incoming freshman at Yellow Springs High School, almost never found out that she loves to run. And she certainly never considered joining the school’s cross country team. Running was too hard, she thought, and she wasn’t good enough to join a team.

  • ‘Simply Women’ 5k run, walk set

    YS Girls Running will host “Simply Women,” a 5k run/walk for women and girls to be held at Yellow Springs High School Saturday, Aug. 8. The event is designed to create awareness about the benefits of running sports for young women, to increase girls’ participation in school-based running sports and to build broader support in Yellow Springs for girls sports in general.

  • Women’s run set

    YS Girls Running will host “Simply Women,” a 5k run/walk for women and girls to be held at Yellow Springs High School on Saturday, Aug. 8. The event is to create awareness about the benefits of running sports for young women and to build broader local support for girls sports.

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