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Articles About healthcare :: Page 2

  • Mad as hell over health care

    Last Wednesday afternoon at the Emporium, a crowd of about 50 villagers stood up and yelled on cue, “I’m mad as hell, and I’m not gonna take it anymore!” Then they raised their right hands and took an oath to support a single payer health insurance system.

    “On my honor as a health care advocate,” they began in unison, “I will do everything I can to help us develop a system of payment that redirects all current health care monies, both public and private, into a single public fund that covers everyone.”

  • Clinic leaves town for now

    The Wright State physicians who operate the Yellow Springs Family Health Center at the corner of Xenia Avenue and Herman Street are temporarily relocating to Greene Memorial Hospital in Xenia at the end of next month. According to health center Medical Director Cynthia Olsen, she hopes to unyoke the practice from a rapidly deteriorating facility and raise funds for a smaller, more efficient building in the same location as the original.

  • After 48 years, Dr. Englefield has retirement in his sights

    After almost five decades as an optometrist, there’s just one thing that still knocks the socks off Dr. Robert Englefield — and that’s the miracle of human sight. “When you realize there’s this never-ending light that comes in and stimulates the eye and then sends messages to the brain that lets it become a vision — I’ve never stopped being amazed,” he said.

  • Council split on land plan

    At the June 1 meeting of Yellow Springs Village Council, Council members differed sharply on the appropriateness of Council making changes in the Village Comprehensive Land Use Plan at this time. The plan was recently revised by the Planning Commission and submitted to Council for approval.

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