
Articles About hunger

  • Help Kidscouts pack meals

    The Kidscouts Hunger Van will make a stop at the Senior Center on Sunday, March 31, 1–3 p.m.

    The Kidscouts Hunger Van will make a stop at the Senior Center on Sunday, March 31, 1–3 p.m.

  • Food aid, from PORCH to pantry

    A new volunteer initiative called PORCH aims to collect food items from villagers’ homes to donate to the Yellow Springs Community Food Pantry. The local PORCH effort is organized by Libby Hammond, left, with support from Pastor Rick Jones, of United Methodist Church, where the pantry is located, and the pantry’s director, Paula Hurwitz. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    The Yellow Springs Community Food Pantry is about to get a boost, thanks to a new project called PORCH and the efforts of local resident Libby Hammond.

  • Food aid for villagers in need

    The Dayton Foodbank’s Andy Macy and Yellow Springs resident and volunteer Susan Pfeiffer distributed food items in Yellow Springs last month as part of the Foodbank’s mobile pantry. The pantry stops every fourth Tuesday of the month in Yellow Springs, and aims to provide food items to the quarter of the Yellow Springs population that qualifies to receive it. (Submitted photo)

    Given the higher median income and sense of community that characterizes Yellow Springs, it might be hard for some to imagine that there are residents who experience what is known as “food insecurity” — limited or uncertain access to food.

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