
Articles About IEP

  • Yellow Springs School District allows service dog

    Jonah Kintner, a Mills Lawn elementary student, has a service dog named Clank who helps him with everyday life skills. Jonah wants Clank to be able to come to school with him.

  • Schools support Rwanda grant

    The laughter-filled April 8 school board meeting saw the approval of two new principals for village schools, the naming of the finalist candidate for the superintendent position, and the announcement of two new multi-age classrooms in the elementary school during the 2010–2011 school year.

  • Parents parley over IEP needs

    More must be done to address issues in the special education program in the Yellow Springs schools, especially in the upper levels, according to approximately 10 parents who came to a special meeting held on Wednesday, Dec. 2. The meeting was the second convened by school administrators to address the results of the special education parent survey the district conducted last summer.

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