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Articles About Intergenerational Housing

  • Antioch Eco-Village— ‘Pioneers’ share vision, plans

    The Antioch Eco-Village Pioneers, a local cohousing group, claims 14 core members who are working to create a cohousing community (private homes with shared amenities) on the Antioch campus as part of the college’s intergenerational housing concept. Here, pictured on one proposed site, at the corner of N. College and Livermore streets, are four members of the group: Don Hollister, Pat Brown, Jane Baker and Sylvia Carter Denny. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    the Eco-Village Pioneers are organizing an event on Sunday, May 1, from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Senior Center for all villagers curious about cohousing and interested in learning about Yellow Springs’ cohousing group.

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