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Articles About levy :: Page 2

  • School board broaches phone concerns

    The discussion was prompted by a letter written to the board by a group of 16 parents of local students; the letter lauded “the merits of phone-free learning environments.”

  • Yellow Springs Board of Education approves facilities levy resolution

    At its most recent regular meeting Thursday, June 8, the Yellow Springs Board of Education unanimously approved a resolution of necessity to place a combined bond issue and income tax levy for upgrading local school facilities before voters on Nov. 7.

  • YS Schools facilities | Two new options, four total considered

    By meeting’s end, school board members had pared the potential facilities plans to four — two fewer than at the board’s regular meeting the previous week.

  • Board of Education | Treasurer talks taxes, facilities

    At the April 13 regular meeting of the YS Board of Education, district Treasurer Jacob McGrath presented a detailed overview of the tax implications associated with updating the district’s school facilities.

  • Yellow Springs Board of Education | Facilities options narrow to six

    At a Wednesday, March 29 work session of the YS Board of Education, board members winnowed the number of plans for potential facilities upgrades under consideration from eight options to six.

  • Community opines on facilities options

    The second listening session was held on Feb. 21 to gather feedback and suggestions from community members on the future of the school district’s infrastructure as the board works to place a facilities levy on this November’s ballot.

  • School board considers additional facilities options

    At the school board’s regular meeting, held Thursday, Feb. 9, architect Mike Ruetschle presented a preliminary fact sheet briefly detailing eight potential facilities plans for both the school board and community members to consider as the next facilities listening session approaches on Tuesday, Feb. 21.

  • School board broaches levy restrictions

    With a levy to address shoring up village school facilities expected from the school district this fall, the Yellow Springs Board of Education considered how it will present that levy to the community at its first meeting of the year on Jan. 12.

  • Facilities Committee split on renovation

    The YS Schools Facilities Committee continued to discuss potential options for renovation of the district’s public school buildings at its most recent meeting on Thursday, Jan. 5.

  • 2022 In Review | Miami Township

    Casey Brewer, who first came to Miami Township Fire-Rescue in 2013 as a member of the Explorer Post for teens, took this photo at a recent training event and shared it on the MTFR Facebook page. Brewer, 19, recently received EMT certification, Chief Colin Altman reported at the Miami Township Trustees’ most recent meeting Monday, July 1. (Submitted photo by Casey Brewer)

    Perhaps the most significant piece of news to come out of Miami Township in 2022 was the passage of a levy that will generate about $670,000 per year for Miami Township Fire-Rescue and will be used to pay MTFR personnel.

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