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Articles About levy :: Page 4

  • Two election petitions rejected in YS school board race

    Two Yellow Springs School Board incumbents, Vice President Aïda Mehermic and first-term member Steve McQueen will not be eligible to run for office in the 2021 election cycle because their petitions were not certified by the Greene County Board of Elections, or BOE.

  • Greene County jail tax is back on ballot

    After voters rejected a proposed sales tax increase to build a new jail in 2020, Greene County Commissioners are asking them to approve a sales tax for a slightly smaller jail this fall.

  • YS school board — Facilities levy set for ballot

    After months of incremental steps leading toward the goal of putting a nearly $35.6 million facilities levy on the November ballot, the Yellow Springs school board has taken the final move necessary to place the measure before district voters this fall.

  • YS school board— Facilities levy moves forward

    As anticipated, the Yellow Springs school board on Friday morning, June 25, took the first step in putting a levy measure on the November ballot to pay for the proposed construction of a K–12 school, projected to cost nearly $35.6 million, at the current site of the middle/high school campus on East Enon Road.

  • YS school facilities— BOE weighs levy ask

    Having last month approved a $35.5 million master plan to construct a K–12 school at the middle/high school campus on East Enon Road, the Yellow Springs school board is nearing a decision about a levy measure to support the project.

  • School board OK’s new K–12 plan

    The projected cost is about $35.5 million, though the district expects an eventual state reimbursement of 26%, more than $9.2 million.

  • On ballot: county parks levy

    Financial support of those parks and trails is on the ballot this Nov. 5. With Issue 9, the Greene County parks district seeks a renewal of a five-year, 0.9 mill property tax levy to support its stewardship of local green space — and the recreational and educational opportunities that go along with those preserved pieces of the great outdoors.

  • The school levy: What you need to know

    by Yellow Springs School Board The Yellow Springs school board voted unanimously at its Dec. 14 meeting to seek a May 2018 levy for a proposed $18.5 million rebuild/renovation of McKinney Middle/YSHS. Pictured here is a concept design, prepared by Ruetschle Architects and presented at the meeting, showing the buildings targeted for demolition, as well as those where renovations only are planned. (Rendering submitted)

    On Tuesday, May 8, residents of the Yellow Springs Exempted Village School District will vote on a combined property tax and income tax bond levy for the renovation and replacement of the local middle school and high school. Learn more about the issue.

  • School Board— Improvement levy discussed

    The Yellow Springs Schools Permanent Improvement levy that supports buildings and other fixed assets will expire at the end of the year, and the district is discussing whether to renew the levy at the same level or replace it at a higher one.

  • Support for YS schools unique

    Tuesday, Nov. 6, was a good day for progressive voters. But throughout the Miami Valley, it was a bad night for one of the biggest progressive issues of our time: public education.

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