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Articles About restorative justice

  • Restorative Justice Conference to return

    Villagers Jennifer Berman and Jalyn Roe were the organizing forces behind last year’s national conference on restorative justice, “Healing Harms in Today’s Troubled World.” (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    The Second Restorative Justice Conference will be held on June 1 and 2 in Yellow Springs. The conference will focus on the relevant topic of “Healing Harms In Sexual and Family Violence.”

  • States of Incarceration— Antioch teams with national exhibit

    Antioch College senior Odette Chavez-Mayo and alumna and Antioch Resident Scholar Dennie Eagleson recently helped install the college’s panel in the nationally touring “States of Incarceration” exhibition on display through June 2 at Antioch’s Herndon Gallery. The faculty-mentored student research for this panel and book and online content was collaboratively created in Emily Steinmetz’s fall course, Critical Prison Studies, with Antioch students and women serving life sentences at Dayton Correctional Institution. (Submitted Photo)

    “How much time is too much time?”
    That question has emerged as a central concern for Antioch College students studying prison-related issues this year.

  • Restorative justice and Yellow Springs a good fit

    Villagers Jennifer Berman and Jalyn Roe were the organizing forces behind last year’s national conference on restorative justice, “Healing Harms in Today’s Troubled World.” (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    “Healing Harms in Today’s Troubled World,” the first Annual Community and Restorative Justice Symposium, will be held in the village, from Oct. 27 to 29.

  • Communities rethink how to police

    Three examples of communities rethinking policing may provide an opportunity for villagers to consider and discuss different options for how “people and police” can engage with each other.

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