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Articles About senior projects

  • Wheels of fortune

    Shaylee Smith rolls with light ghosts, an artifact of the photo time exposure and disco lighting. (Photos by Matt Minde)

    The YSHS gymnasium was converted over the weekend into a pay-to-skate roller rink, the senior project of Aza Hurwitz and Jonah Trillana, who conceived of the fundraiser that the school might purchase roller skates of its own.

  • Antioch College—‘Colloquia’ invites in the community

    Antioch College’s Colloquia 2017 showcases graduating seniors’ capstone projects from a range of disciplines, including several performance works. Pictured above are Hannah Priscilla Craig, ‘17, with Esmé Westerlund, ‘18, in a performance installation called “r e f l e c t,” presented earlier this year with Jennifer Bish, ‘18, Cristian Perez-Lopez, ‘17, Ephraim Zamora, ‘20, and guest artist Karina Faulstich. The Colloquia runs from June 12 through June 24, graduation day. (Submitted photo by Juan-sí Gonzalez)

    More than 50 Antioch College graduating seniors across all academic divisions are represented in this year’s colloquia, which the college plans to hold as an annual event.

  • Seniors make meaning from tragedy

    YSHS seniors Elise Giardullo and Gabe Amrhein will host a 24-hour relay “A Promise to Eben: No Text Is Worth Your Life,” to raise awareness of the dangers of driving and texting. The event takes place Saturday, May 28, at the high school, beginning at 9 a.m. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    The loss of a young life is always tragic, but two local young people hope to find meaning in that tragedy. The meaning sought by Elise Giardullo and Gabe Amrhein is their attempt to save other lives by educating young adults on the dangers of texting while driving.

  • ‘Potterluck’ pushes fun, literacy

    Yellow Springs High School seniors R.C. Worrell, left, and Phillip Kellogg are holding a two-part Harry Potter-themed event this weekend as their senior project, hoping to both entertain their peers and to raise money for literacy. The event, at Yellow Springs High School, begins with a 6 p.m. potluck on Saturday, April 9, followed by a 9 p.m. lock-in. Proceeds from the potluck and lock-in, which each have a suggested $5 donation, will benefit Book Aid, a British literacy organization. (Photo by Kelsey Cundiff)

    The senior project requirements given to every senior at Yellow Springs High School state that each student’s project should “reflect a meaningful purpose that is either geared toward social action and community, self-education and growth, or education and facilitation.” This year’s group of seniors has taken those ideals to heart to produce a number of projects that could benefit the community.

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