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Articles About theater :: Page 5

  • YSKP, the whole year ’round

    Even with the loss of its Antioch Theater space last year, YS Kids Playhouse continues to build community through contemporary theater. Displaying its characteristic “the show must go on!” spirit and resourcefulness, the local arts organization has every intention to fulfill its mission of not only providing theater arts and arts education opportunities for Yellow Springs and surrounding communities, but to expand its programming year-round.

  • Hey! Let’s put on a show!

    These News photos are available Copies of this and other photographs may be purchased from the News; please contact us via e-mail at, or by phone, between 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Mon.–Fri.

  • Revised school board policy supports artistic freedom

    Almost a year after a censored high school student-written play sparked a community controversy, the Yellow Springs Board of Education on Jan. 8 approved a revised board policy that clarifies that audience members will be given notice and the opportunity to leave if a play is deemed potentially offensive.

  • YSHS ‘Midsummer’ mischief, mayhem with a ’50s flare

    If Shakespeare had lived in the 1950s, how he would have dressed, where he would have lived and the way he would have set his stage is surely just what the Yellow Springs High School thespians have dreamed up for the fall production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

  • Grown up kids give back at YSKP

    The room is filled with shouts and “ooofs!” and the sound of punches making contact. One young girl tries to strangle a boy twice her size while a boy who has just been kicked in the stomach, groans and rolls over onto his side. A girl two feet away aims a powerful punch at another boy’s jaw.

  • YSKP to bring life to ‘Frankenstein’

    Fans of Mary Shelley’s original work, Frankenstein, written in 1818, must have been horrified to watch Hollywood hook its profit-seeking electrodes up to her carefully constructed philosophical essay, then zap 42 celluloid creations into life.

  • It takes a village to raise a ‘Roof’

    Randomly select anyone from the extensive list of participants — parents, students, staff, store owners, volunteers and professionals — who contributed to this year’s Yellow Springs High School spring musical, Fiddler On the Roof…

  • ‘Velveteen Rabbit’ comes alive at MLS

    You thought YS Kids Playhouse events only took place in the summer? Think again! YSKP is moving into the schools. On March 6–9, third through sixth graders at Mills Lawn School will perform Mary Kay Clark’s original theatrical adaptation of the children’s story, The Velveteen Rabbit…

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