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Articles About trans rights

  • Trans rights focus of Xenia protest

    On Saturday, Feb. 25, over 100 demonstrators assembled on opposite sides of the street outside the Xenia YMCA to express their views on the fitness center’s policy that allows transgender people to use the locker room that aligns with their identified gender.

  • Yellow Springs celebrates Transgender Day of Visibility

    The message relayed through the village’s first Transgender Day of Visibility Celebration, or TDOV, held at the Coretta Scott King Center on Antioch’s campus on March 31 was clear: There is love and support for transgender people here in Yellow Springs.

  • YS Pride celebrates 10 years

    The 10th annual YS Pride celebration is slated to be held on Saturday, June 26, at Antioch Midwest. In celebration of the anniversary of YS Pride, this year’s celebration will feature a variety of events and experiences.

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