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Articles About west nile

  • ‘Ghouls on wings’ bug Yellow Springs


    The abundance of mosquitos in Yellow Springs is not the punchline to a cruel celestial joke but the result of an unusually wet June and July.

  • Mosquitos net vigilance of Yellow Springs villagers

    Assistant professor of biomedical science Savitha Krishna, right, and Antioch student Diana Harvey sampled the water at Ellis Pond this week in search of the larvae and pupae of mosquitoes that may carry the West Nile Virus. The Antioch biology class is working with the Green Environmental Coalition and Greene County Combined Health District to monitor and control the spread of mosquitoes in the village to prevent the potentially-dangerous illness. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    At a house along Livermore Street last week, the mosquitoes were so dense that the Aedes species — typically only active in the evenings — were out during the day in search of a blood meal.

  • Village Council— West Nile spraying nixed

    Yellow Springs will not be sprayed with insecticide this summer in response to the presence of West Nile Virus-infected mosquitos, unless the health department determines the village is in a state of emergency. Rather, mosquito control will involve working with villagers to eliminate mosquito breeding sites and the use of larvicide to kill the insect larvae.

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