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Articles About workshop

  • Restorative justice and Yellow Springs a good fit

    Villagers Jennifer Berman and Jalyn Roe were the organizing forces behind last year’s national conference on restorative justice, “Healing Harms in Today’s Troubled World.” (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    “Healing Harms in Today’s Troubled World,” the first Annual Community and Restorative Justice Symposium, will be held in the village, from Oct. 27 to 29.

  • Learn about fall prevention at workshop

    The community is invited to learn about fall prevention and safe falling at a workshop to be held on Sept. 28.

    A fall prevention workshop will be offered Thursday, Sept. 28 at 10:30 a.m. in the Bryan Center gym.

  • Heart rhythm meditation workshop— Healing hearts to heal the world

    Tom Malcolm and Denise Runyon teach Heart Rhythm Meditation each Tuesday evening at the Friends of the Heart Center at 794 Dayton St. They are sponsoring a workshop April 16 and 17 that features Susanna Bair, the co-creator of Heart Rhythm Meditation and co-founder of the Institute of Applied Meditation, who will explain the technique in a daylong workshop and work with individuals in a half-day heart danshan. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Denise Runyon and Tom Malcom know something about hearts, as they run the Friends of the Heart Center out of their Dayton Street home.

  • Improv workshop at Antioch College open to village

    A workshop on theater improvisation and civic engagement will take place this Saturday, Feb. 13, at the Antioch College Foundry Theater from 1 to 4 p.m., led by members of The Talking Band theater company of New York City. The event is part of a monthlong project that includes the March presentation of the play “Marcellus Shale,” about the effects of fracking on a community. Shown here are cast members, from left to right, front row: Ida Lease Cummings, Parker Phelan; center row: Selena Wilkinson, Cole Gentry, John Fleming; Third row: Sean Allen; Back row: Hannah Priscilla Craig, Michael Casselli, Louise Smith. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Yellow Springers have an opportunity to learn about how theater improvisation can enhance civic engagement in a free workshop this Saturday at Antioch College.

  • YS a bright star on yoga map

    About 100 yoga practitioners from all over the country and other countries as well are descending on Yellow Springs to study yoga with Judith Lasater, a California-based and internationally-known yoga teacher.

  • New Liberty raises local food IQ

    Area goat farmers, from left, Caroline Mullin, Abby Dant, Jill Dant and Owen Betts, pictured here with the Dant’s goat Sampson, gave a workshop on raising the ruminant last weekend as part of New Liberty Farms winter workshop series. Beth Bridgeman, on right, is organizing the food and farming series from her new post at the farm, located north of Yellow Springs. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Seven-year-old Sampson is one lucky goat, according to his caretaker, Abby Dant of Xenia. Sampson was the demonstration goat at a workshop last weekend at the United Methodist Church, the first of six winter food and farming events organized by New Liberty Farms.

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