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Articles About Yellow Springs News

  • Our full-time staff— Who’s the News?

    Here we introduce you to the full-time staff of the paper.

  • ‘Newspaper of the Year’— News wins state awards

    The Yellow Springs News was honored by its peers last week as the “Newspaper of the Year” among comparable papers in Ohio.

  • Margaret ‘Peg’ Champney— A life entwined with the News

    Margaret “Peg” Champney. whose longtime residence in Yellow Springs was closely intertwined with the life and history of the Yellow Springs News, died Tuesday evening, Nov. 5, after a brief illness. She was 87.

    A quiet, steady presence at the News throughout her adult life, Champney’s 68-year tenure at the local paper likely qualified her as its longest serving employee.

  • Szempruch heads News ads

    Suzanne Szempruch is now head of advertising and the newest co-owner of the 139-year-old newspaper.

  • BLOG- Making Moves

    The sunset view from my beautifully wooded and greatly admired (by me) backyard.

    Jessica Sees, an Ohio University student interning at the News, shares her reflections on adjusting to her new home and life as a resident of Yellow Springs in her blog, Making Moves.

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