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Feature Photos Section :: Page 31

  • Pride Parade

    Images from the recent parade in Yellow Springs celebrating those who identify as LGBT.

  • Heads of the class

    Callie Smith drew portraits of her fellow seniors, for her senior project. (photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Callie Smith drew portraits of her fellow seniors, for her senior project.

  • Step by step by step — Commencements

    Commencement exercises marked both an end and a beginning in the final week of May.

  • Court side

    Pictured in front, left to right, are Intricate Design members Josephine Zinger, Norah Fultz and Chedin Manley, accompanied by teacher Sarah Amin. (photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Let the renovations begin!

  • Not your stereotypical flip book…

    Students Ellery Bledsoe, Greta Kremer and Aza Hurwitz peruse as PBL project, “Flipping Stereotypes: A Mix-and-Match Book of the American Teenager.” (Photos by Matt Minde)

    Yellow Springs High School and McKinney Middle School students held their Spring PBL Exhibition last Wednesday, May 10.

  • Music al fresco at YSHS

    Eliza Minde-Berman, above, took to the podium for performance of a piece she had worked on with the 6th-grade orchestra for the all-school orchestra and chorus performance May 15. (Photos by Matt Minde)

    A glorious Monday evening was backdrop to the all-school orchestra and chorus performance, which featured music makers from 5th and 6th grade, McKinney Middle School and Yellow Springs High School.

  • Celebration fit for a King

    submitted Photo by Odette Chavez-Mayo

    The Coretta Scott King Center held its inaugural Legacy Luncheon on April 26 at the Dayton Racquet Club.

  • Sign wave

    submitted photo by Penny Forman

    About 30 people took part in the Yellow Springs version of the national March for Science, which took place at 10 a.m. last Saturday, April 22, on Earth Day.

  • Stepping out

    From left: dancers Christina Burks, Grace Wilke, Taysha Burch, Kayla Brown and Reese Elam. Submitted (Photo by Kira Plumer)

    YSHS musical “Oklahoma”

  • Walking across America, stopping in Yellow Springs

    Abby Bongaarts, 24, and Danny Finnegan, 23, stopped in Yellow Springs this week as part of their walk across the USA. While in town they visited some kids at Mills Lawn School. (Photos by Suzanne Szempruch)

    Abby Bongaarts, 24, and Danny Finnegan, 23, stopped in Yellow Springs this week as part of their walk across the USA.

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