Feature Photos Section :: Page 51
Netting some new talent
On Sunday, March 31, six Yellow Springs boys and girls participated in a “Play Day” tennis event for first graders on the Antioch courts.
A rehab for the rehab
The large cages for Glen Helen’s 30 permanent avian residents have served the Raptor Center for over 30 years. But the wire and wood are aging and have not met current regulation for some time.
Snow Shoo!
Village council member Gerry Simms cleared the sidewalks along West South College Street Monday afternoon to provide safe passage for local students walking to and from school.
A lesson in black and white
Last Friday the Mills Lawn fourth, fifth and sixth grade students performed a varied program of songs, readings, poems and a skit to celebrate the end of Black History Month.
Sweet and sappy
Last Sunday afternoon, Feb. 22, the Tecumseh Land Trust sponsored a tour of Flying Mouse Farm for the annual tapping of the sugar maples.
All Greek to me: A peek at Project-Based Learning
The Yellow Springs Schools presented a peek at Project-Based Learning at Mills Lawn School Friday, Jan. 31.
The buddha’s cold smile
Local artist and contractor Chris Glaser took advantage of nature’s building materials last week when he sculpted a likeness of a meditative Buddha from snow and ice.
Slippery slope
A heat wave of sorts on Sunday, with a high of 39 degrees, made for a perfect day to enjoy the hill at Gaunt Park. Polly and Carl Cordell’s grandson, Cory, visiting from Westerville, took advantage of the warmer weather and went sledding with his dog, Nala, and father, Cary. See more sledding photos on […]
Martin Luther King Jr. march and celebration in Yellow Springs, 2014
Over 200 people participated in Yellow Springs’ annual Martin Luther King Jr. memorial march and subsequent celebration at the Central Chapel, AME this January 20.
Drop on in
A huge crowd of people packed Short Street and Xenia Ave. to bring in the New Year.
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