
From The Print Last Week Section :: Page 12

  • Folk duo closes inaugural season at Antioch College’s Foundry Theater

    The Foundry Theater at Antioch College will hold the final performance of its inaugural programming season Friday, May 17, 7–9 p.m., with Kristin Andreassen and Chris “Critter” Eldridge taking the stage.

  • Sister Trillium makes moves

    Sister Trillium, which previously operated out of the YS Farmers Market, will roll out its one-of-a-kind creative reuse center model — collecting unused art and craft supplies and selling them at a discounted rate — in a new-to-them brick-and-mortar space.

  • Spring(s) | On legend and legacy

    “Might it be the water that so closely holds together our tightly knit community?”

  • The Yellow Springs Community Foundation’s half-century of giving and grants

    This year, the Yellow Springs Community Foundation turns 50 and celebrates its homegrown legacy of supporting the village’s 100-plus nonprofits, spearheading social justice initiatives, bolstering the arts, providing economic relief and, of course, funding good ideas.

  • Low-income housing proposed, transparency concerns raised

    YS Home, Inc. and community stakeholders have, since early March, discussed a proposal to site a 50-rental-unit development for low-income families on three acres of school-owned land north of McKinney Middle and Yellow Springs High schools.

  • ‘Who’s Hungry?’ — New project serves free food to all

    In December last year, longtime local residents Carl Moore and Jim Zehner announced their intention to offer free meals to those who need them in the village by way of their newly formed nonprofit organization, “Who’s Hungry?” This month, the nonprofit will take its first steps into testing Moore and Zehner’s concept, with an opening event Monday, May 13, at MAZU.

  • Latin flavors at Salsa Brava

    As spring returns warm weather to the village, both local residents and visitors may be enticed by a relatively new food option making its way around downtown Yellow Springs.

  • Lumber yard, market concept for sale

    Built in 1940 and spread across 11,000 square feet, the lumber yard is being sold for $1.27 million by Massies Creek Ventures, a local LLC that had visions of transforming the site into a public market and eatery since the group purchased it in 2021. 

  • Larry & Joe to bring a ‘most joyous’ fusion to the Foundry Theater

    A melding of sound and tradition promises to ring out from the stage as the Foundry Theater continues its inaugural season of programming with a performance by strings duo Larry & Joe on Tuesday, May 7.

  • Miami Township Trustees wrestle with operations costs, firefighter retention

    What’s the best way to balance operations costs with the need for adequate shift staffing and long-term employee retention?

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