From The Print Last Week Section :: Page 53
Perry League | T-ballers shine in the ‘dog days’
Friday night’s T-ball contest was like those preceding this season, having in common a field overflowing with sunshine! And each one of the Perry League players in attendance projected that light.
YS Development Company, Village Council talk economic development
At a June 29 joint meeting with YSDC and Village Council, participants grappled with the complexities of economic growth and development and its implications for both village residents and businesses.
MJ Werthman White debuts bittersweet novel
“An Invitation to the Party,” by local resident MJ Werthman White, was released by Regal House Publishing on July 18 — a book launch event is set for Epic Books, Friday, July 28, 6–8 p.m.
Miami Township Fire-Rescue to increase event staffing, permit costs
The cost of a festival permit, which is required by the Ohio Fire Code, or OFC, increased from a flat rate of $25 to $.08 per anticipated event attendee.
Antioch alumnus debuts Little Art-inspired work at Japanese art festival
Antioch alumnus John Wells’ contribution to Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale was an art installation that included the construction of a miniature movie theater called “Cinema Kamigo.”
Perry League’s ‘Midsummer Classic’ draws local sluggers
Many of those who arrived at Gaunt Park for the Perry League “Midsummer Classic” event were greeted by the unmistakable smell of french fries.
30 years on the air with Vick Mickunas
Since 1993, he has built a career out of sharing those same passions with listeners and readers in the Miami Valley and beyond: June marked Mickunas’ 30th anniversary with WYSO 91.3 FM.
Yellow Springs muralist unveils newest downtown work
Last week, Yellow Springs-based muralist Pierre Nagley put the final strokes on his latest downtown work: a delicate sunset cascading over a Japanese beach.
Greene County Beekeepers Association to host Honey Harvest Festival
The Greene County Beekeepers Association will present its annual Honey Harvest Festival on Saturday, July 15, 11 a.m.–3 p.m., at Glen Helen’s Camp Greene.
The Patterdale Hall Diaries | Start chopping
“We need dry wood, multiple cuts. Tinder, kindling and overnighter logs. We have all these, but the fact that they need to be there every day is exciting.”
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