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From The Print Last Week Section :: Page 51

  • August public works projects planned, underway

    At Gaunt Park, crews entered their second month of working on the Village’s 63-foot-tall, 900,000-gallon water tower.

  • Beauty abounds on T-ball field

    Walking to the diamond adjoining the T-ball diamond Friday, July 21, to begin the field preparation process, we noticed a doe and two fawns frolicking in the open field.

  • Perry League creates lasting joy

    “The memories and feelings from this summer will warm our hearts during those cold dark days of winter. Our spirits will be lifted by the hope and promise of the upcoming 2024 season, for we know joy will always prevail.”

  • Ohio Special Election Results | Issue 1 defeated

    According to unofficial election results posted on the website of Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose Wednesday morning, Aug. 9, the ballot initiative was defeated 1,744,094 votes (57.01%) to  1,315,346 (42.99%) votes.

  • Yellow Springs a home for purple martins, too

    On the 61-acre property of Larry and Robin Weinstein are eight tall poles that hold a few dozen white, gourd-shaped containers that offer a spring and summer home to more than 600 purple martin birds.

  • Local boxing class pulls no punches

    Every Tuesday and Thursday since last February, Anthony Erfe has led intensive boxing classes at the Posterior Chain gym, open to those of all ages and abilities — people looking to stay in shape or those wanting to learn self-defense.

  • ‘Oppenheimer’ panel talk slated at Little Art

    Local resident Dr. Tanya Maus, director of the Peace Resource Center at Wilmington College, will lead a panel discussion at the Little Art Theatre Sunday, Aug. 6, following the 6 p.m. screening of “Oppenheimer,” beginning at approximately 9 p.m.

  • Salmerón appointed Greenbelt, Maryland city manager

    New Village Manager Josue Salmeron, pictured here in his office, has had a busy first month on the job. “You realize you have so may things going on, so many things to address,” he said. “It takes your breath away.” (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Outgoing Yellow Springs Village Manager Josué Salmerón, who announced his resignation on Friday, July 21, has officially accepted the position of city manager of Greenbelt, Maryland, population 25,000. 

  • Fire Chief Colin Altman to retire after 29 years

    Chief Colin Altman is hanging up his turnout coat for good. After 29 years at the helm of Miami Township Fire-Rescue, Altman retires later this month.

  • Omnibus: collectibles on the corner

    Since opening her eclectic knickknack store on May 5, new village resident Jessica McGee said this year’s tourist season has really helped the new business.

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