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From The Print Last Week Section :: Page 78

  • Commentary | The songs and sounds of my village

    One really could not have asked for a better setting for this year’s PorchFest. The sky was dotted with clouds; the sun shone brightly yet not too hot, and the air was light and breezy with moderate humidity.

  • EXTENDED COVERAGE | YS Credit Union suffers massive fraud attack

    The Yellow Springs Federal Credit Union recently became one of many targets of a widespread debit card-based fraud attack. Of the local credit union’s 2,000 person membership, 161 card-holding members were affected by the attack as of Monday, Sept. 19.

  • H.U.M.A.N. library opens at Antioch College

    A newly minted library honors H.U.M.A.N.’s founders, Antioch professors William D. Chappelle and James N. Dunn and community activist Glynna Garrett.

  • My Name Is Iden | The Blues Man’s Daughter

    “Before he was an artist, before he was a husband, before he was a father or a grandfather, he was a Blues Man.”

  • Bondurant to be inducted into Women’s Hall of Fame

    Teresa Bondurant, who is 60, will be honored for her long service to area youth and elders at the Hall of Fame’s annual Recognition Day Luncheon on Saturday, Sept. 24.

  • Paul Laurence Dunbar documentary debuts at festival

    “Paul Laurence Dunbar: An American Poet,” produced by the Xenia-based Caesar’s Ford Theatre and directed by the theater’s project manager and playwright, Kane Stratton, will debut at the Dayton Film Festival on Friday, Sept. 23, at the Neon theater between 7 and 9 p.m.

  • School board discusses facilities renovation drafts

    The draft plans included a number of deep renovations and some new construction intended to address issues including security, functionality, space and accessibility in the schools.

  • COVID Update | Sept. 22, 2022

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    Greene County remained at a “medium” community level for COVID-19 for the third week in a row, according to the latest update by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC, released Thursday, Sept. 15.

  • IN BRIEF | YS Credit Union suffers massive fraud attack

    The Yellow Springs Federal Credit Union recently became one of many targets of a widespread debit card-based fraud attack. Of the local credit union’s 2,000 person membership, 161 card-holding members were affected by the attack as of Monday, Sept. 19.

  • YS Schools Facilities Committee | Ruetschle presents draft floor plans

    Architect Mike Ruetschle presented drafts of potential floor plans for updated facilities at Mills Lawn Elementary, McKinney Middle and YS High schools at a meeting of the district’s Facilities Committee on Thursday, Sept. 1.

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