
From The Print Section :: Page 197

  • March 28, 2018 Bulldog Sports Round-up: Fresh start for Bulldog softball

    The Bulldog softball team gears up for a new season. Shown, front row from left, are Sara Zendlovitz, Lily Rainey, Zoe Lafferty, Lily Bryan, Bre Wallace, Rosemary Bermester and Rebecca Spencer; and back row from left, Ava Schell, Carina Basora, Stella Lieff, Hailey Burk and Leanna Taylor. (Photo by Luciana Lieff)

    March 28, 2018 Bulldog Sports Round-up: Fresh start for Bulldog softball

  • A Woodstock artifact returns home

    Greg “Duke” Dewey, drummer for Country Joe and the Fish at Woodstock, is loaning his drums for a special exhibit celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Woodstock Festival at the Bethel Woods Center for the Arts in New York state.

  • Village Council—Council bans clapping at meetings

    No clapping, booing or displaying of signs during public comments will be allowed at Village Council meetings, according to an update to meeting rules passed this week.

  • Guilty Pleasures to play, Litterally

    Local singer Rachel Litteral will open for Dayton-based band John Dubuc and The Guilty Pleasures at the Emporium this Friday, March 22. Pictured here, Litteral recently performed a solo set in Dayton; members of John Dubuc and The Guilty Pleasures including, from left, Brian Hoeflich, Dubuc, Tom Rastikis and Rich Reuter, posed during a recent rehearsal. (Photos by Gary McBride)

    Villager Rachel Litteral will open for Dayton band John Dubuc and The Guilty Pleasures this Friday, March 22, at the Emporium’s weekly wine tasting.

  • New YSHS McKinney Middle School principal to be approved

    The Yellow Springs school board unanimously approved current Vice Principal Jack Hatert as the new principal at Yellow Springs High School/McKinney Middle School beginning the 2019–20 school year. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    In a special meeting Thursday, March 21, the Yellow Springs school board was expected to approve Jack Hatert as the new principal at Yellow Springs High School/McKinney Middle School for the 2019–20 school year.

  • New healing arts school—Coming to grips with grief

    Joshua Hayward is well known in the village for his tarot card readings, astrological charts and as a meditation leader. His three-week course “Negotiating Shadow: Discovering the True Self,” addresses grief, loss and using the opportunity to grow, and will begin this Sunday. (Photo By Gary McBride)

    Like many of us, Joshua Hayward knows a thing or two about grief. His wife, Esther Lail, died in 2013, which is when Hayward’s “path to suffering opened up,” he said this week.

  • Celebration of life for Carolina Carpenter

    A celebration of life for Carolina Carpenter will be held Saturday, March 30, 11 a.m.–2 p.m., in the Mills Park Hotel.

  • New delay for new firehouse

    A recent rendering of the Miami Township Fire-Rescue station by project architects MSA Architects of Cincinnati shows what the new fire station along Xenia Avenue may look like. The project has been delayed because an initial bid to construct it was too high. (Rendering courtesy of MSA Architects)

    With a third round of construction bids again coming in too high, Miami Township Trustees will be returning to the drawing board for another attempt at reducing the projected costs of building a new firehouse on the south side of town.

  • Project-based presenters

    LEFT: Third-grade teacher Peg Morgan, aka “Trevor, a Yellow Springs mushroom,” speaks with third-grade student-scientists Bryce Fleming and Kaitlyn Macduff about the importance of mushrooms to healthy soil. RIGHT: Fourth-grade students of Carrie Juergens performed an original rap as part of their proposal that Mills Lawn cafeteria eliminates plastic flatware in favor of metal. (Photos by Carol Simmons)

    Members of two Mills Lawn classes separately addressed the school board during its meeting Thursday, March 14.

  • Antioch College—Students seek SOPP reform

    Earlier this week on the Antioch College campus, students, faculty, administrators and trustees engaged in negotiations around the implementation of two campus policies.

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