
From The Print Section :: Page 330

  • Goal of concerts is to restore Antioch College grand piano

    Pianist Sam Reich stands in front of the Antioch College’s Foundry ­Theater, which houses the college’s Steinway concert grand piano. Reich hopes to fund the restoration of the piano to peak form through the proceeds of the Yellow Springs Piano Fest, a series of performances he envisons over the next year. Reich will kick off the series with a performance of J.S. Bach’s Goldberg Variations, Sunday, July 24, at 7 p.m. at the Herndon Gallery. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    Locally based pianist Sam Reich had an idea, and now he’s seeing where it leads. The idea: Raise enough money to rehabilitate the grand piano at Antioch College’s Foundry Theater.

  • International night at t-ball

    They’re considerate, these T-ball kids. Cruz Drew, 6, took me aside around 7:30 p.m. to explain to me he was sorry.

  • Melva Jane McCuddy

    Melva Jane McCuddy

    Melva Jane McCuddy died on June 30 at Springfield Regional Medical Center. She was 91.

  • Yellow Springs Brewery purchases bowling alley

    Nate Cornett and Lisa Wolters, owners of the Yellow Springs Brewery, recently purchased the old bowling alley on the south edge of town to use as a warehouse distribution center. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Nate Cornett and Lisa Wolters had a plan when they opened Yellow Springs Brewery three years ago, but things haven’t exactly worked out. They hoped to grow their business, of course, but at a rate they could keep up with.

  • All campus presidents fired— Antioch University restructures leadership

    Antioch University leaders announced on Monday a bold restructuring that includes eliminating all of the university campus’s boards of trustees along with the presidents of each AU campus.

  • John Richard Cary

    John Richard Cary

    John Richard Cary passed away June 29, 2016, after a full and vibrant life.

  • Village Council— Morris Bean sewer request raises concerns

    At Village Council’s June 20 meeting, a former Village manager took Council to task for not insisting that Morris Bean be annexed into the Village in exchange for hooking up the company to the Village sewer system. If annexed, the company would pay Village income taxes and thus enhance Village revenues.

  • …and the world laughs with you

    Linda Griffith and Beth Lackey are doing laughing yoga this spring. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Laughter Yoga Club meets on Saturdays at 10 a.m. outside on the grounds of Mills Lawn Elementary School.

  • En route to equality: the 5th annual YS PRIDE parade

    Under a hot summer sun several hundred villagers celebrated diversity and equality Saturday during Yellow Springs Pride events. Shown above at the fifth annual parade are Andi and DeLaine Adkins and Chris Wyatt of Scouts for Equality. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Under a hot summer sun several hundred villagers celebrated diversity and equality Saturday during Yellow Springs Pride events.

  • Faith Patterson memorial set

    The memorial service for Faith Patterson has been scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 10, during Blues Fest.

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