
From The Print Section :: Page 480

  • A native son, talented, caring, addicted

    While Oliver Simons, the local man who police say is behind a string of nine burglaries in the village this year, is now locked up at the Greene County Jail, back in town friends, family, victims and community members are left dealing with the aftershock of his alleged crimes.

  • Remembered

    Members of the YS Odd Fellows will lead community members in placing flags on the graves of veterans and hold a Memorial Day ceremony and history talk about the cemetery's Civil War cannon this weekend. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    About 20 local men and women from the Yellow Springs Odd Fellows lodge placed American flags on the graves of veterans and Odd ­Fellows at the Glen Forest Cemetery last Friday afternoon.

  • Mosquito control takes a village

    For the first time this year, villagers are on the front lines of preventing West Nile virus in Yellow Springs. Specifically, local residents need to start looking for sources of standing water in their yards, in order to help eliminate mosquito breeding in the village.

  • June 6, 2013 Bulldog sports round-up

    June 6, 2013 Bulldog sports round-up

  • Alison Gass Murie

    Alison Gass Murie, formerly of Yellow Springs, died May 29 surrounded by family.

  • Giving blood, giving life in YS

    Shown above are participants in the June 13 Blood Drive and Mini Wellness Fair, sponsored by villager Valerie Blackwell-Truitt of the Ohio State University’s College of Medicine’s Office for Diversity and Inclusion, second from left above. From left are Adam Truitt of Posterior Chain, Blackwell-Truitt, Kirsten Bean of the Greene County Combined Health District (with daughter Natalia), and Buck Truitt of Posterior Chain. (Photo by Anisa Kline)

    On June 13, from 3–6:30 p.m., Yellow Springs’ first Blood Drive and Mini Wellness Fair will be held at the Bryan Center.

  • Scouts’ quest for kindness

    Those who think kids don’t get bullied in Yellow Springs should think again, according to members of the local Girl Scout Troop 30349. And the scouts are especially concerned about how girls hurt each other.

  • Burglary suspects indicted

    Xenia residents Oliver Simons and Bianca Stone Chappelle were indicted last week by a Greene County grand jury on felony charges related to burglaries that occurred in Yellow Springs.

  • Basketball coach Brad Newsome retires— Winning games, molding men

    Some basketball coaches are just coaches, their influence confined to the court. Brad Newsome was the other kind. In his 16 years coaching Yellow Springs High School boys basketball, Newsome not only crafted athletes, he molded men.

  • May 30, 2013 Bulldog sports round-up

    May 30, 2013 Bulldog sports round-up

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