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Infrastructure & Services Section :: Page 17

  • AGENDA for Council’s special meeting on herbicide use around pool

    Village Council will hold a special meeting on herbicide use around pool on Thursday, June 20, at 7 p.m. at Council chambers in the Bryan Center.

  • A new lighting look downtown

    Village electric crew members Dan Mayenschein (in bucket) Chris Hamilton and Jane Hamilton installed one of the three new streetlights on the north end of Xenia Avenue on Monday. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Villagers who venture downtown this week may notice that the Village electric crew finished installing three street lamps at the north end of downtown.

  • Village Council— Rehab option for water plant

    Regarding how best to source local water, Village Council may have the option of rehabbing the village’s current water plant.

  • Village Council—Needed repairs to water lines will add cost

    The Village needs to plan on adding an additional $1.6 million onto the final cost of either purchasing drinking water from Springfield or building a new water plant, consulting engineer John Eastman told Council at its May 20 meeting.

  • Mosquito control takes a village

    For the first time this year, villagers are on the front lines of preventing West Nile virus in Yellow Springs. Specifically, local residents need to start looking for sources of standing water in their yards, in order to help eliminate mosquito breeding in the village.

  • Village Council — New water plant reexamined

    Village Council members indicated at their meeting on Monday, May 6, that they will consider just two options: getting water from Springfield or building a brand new water plant.

  • Lines another Village water issue

    The village water distribution system, which is a complex web of underground water lines of various size, age and make, is in need of an upgrade. The urgency of the repairs depends on who is talking about them.

  • Village water lines an issue separate from the source

    From left, Village treatment plant operator Brad Ault, intern Richard Stockton and water and wastewater superintendent Joe Bates reviewed the major upgrade to the Village Water Reclamation plant that was completed last month. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    As the village debates the question of whether to source the fresh water supply locally or from Springfield, it has become apparent that the town’s water lines are also in need of an upgrade.

  • Tour Springfield and YS water plants

    Villagers are invited to tour the Springfield and Yellow Springs water treatment plants on Friday, April 5, ahead of a Council decision on water sourcing.

  • Water treatment plant repairs discolor water

    Village water treatment plant equipment repairs are discoloring water; the discoloration should improve as the week progresses.

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