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Infrastructure & Services Section :: Page 15

  • Village planners approve CBE streets

    At their meeting on April 16 Village Planning Commission approved the street dedication for the Center for Business and Education, a request to install a Verizon cellular telephone tower at Bryan Center, and rezoning of the former Creative Memories property.

  • Villagers asked to conserve water

    The Ohio EPA is asking villagers to voluntarily reduce their water usage.

  • Village Mediation mends village fences

    The Village Mediation Program was erected in the 1980s to bring interested parties together to talk out their differences.

  • Yellow Springs cuts energy use smartly

    Electricity use in Yellow Springs fell from 37,000 megawatt-hours in 2003 to 30,600 MWh last year, in part due to energy-efficiency measures implemented under the Efficiency Smart program. (Source: Village of Yellow Springs)

    Yellow Springs shaved 3.7 percent off of its annual electricity use over the last three years, thanks to a communitywide energy-efficiency program.

  • Miami Township Fire-Rescue squad gets accredited

    Miami Township Fire-Rescue volunteers, from left, Joe Panuto, Anthony Cascio, Nick Miller-Jacobson and Cayden DeFusco are among the first EMT students to take classes at the department as an accredited training center. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Volunteerism may have dwindled over the past 50 years, but no where is it felt more seriously as a matter of life and death than in small town fire and EMS departments across the country. Miami Township Fire-Rescue is no exception.

  • SIDEBAR: Yellow Springs Water Rate Hike

    Vilage Council members agreed on a 15 percent increase in Village water rates.

  • Yellow Springs Utility funds show deficits

    At their Feb. 3 meeting, Village Council members heard that, in the projected 2014 Village budget, most of the Village enterprise (or utility) funds — the water fund, sewer fund and solid waste funds — show deficit spending.

  • Village Council on water sourcing — Plant upgrade less expensive

    Renovating the existing Village water plant is doable and less expensive than the other two options being considered for sourcing local water, according to a presentation at Village Council’s Feb. 3 meeting.

  • Village renews energy-saving program

    Yellow Springs saved 3.5 percent of its annual electric consumption over the last three years and now hopes to cut more with Efficiency Smart.

  • Village moves fast on CBE funding

    Village Council is poised to move forward quickly on the Center for Business and Education, or CBE, at its Jan. 6 meeting.

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