
Infrastructure & Services Section :: Page 16

  • Request for village water conservation is extended

    Village Manager Laura Curliss sent out a HyperReach alert Thursday afternoon requesting Yellow Springs residents conserve water.

  • Mosquitos net vigilance of Yellow Springs villagers

    Assistant professor of biomedical science Savitha Krishna, right, and Antioch student Diana Harvey sampled the water at Ellis Pond this week in search of the larvae and pupae of mosquitoes that may carry the West Nile Virus. The Antioch biology class is working with the Green Environmental Coalition and Greene County Combined Health District to monitor and control the spread of mosquitoes in the village to prevent the potentially-dangerous illness. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    At a house along Livermore Street last week, the mosquitoes were so dense that the Aedes species — typically only active in the evenings — were out during the day in search of a blood meal.

  • Village to pick up tree limbs next week

    The Village will collect storm debris set out at the curb next week.

  • Lower your electric load this week

    To help lower the Village’s electric bills in future, it will help if every one in the village lowers their load (turns off power as they are able) this week during certain times.

  • Pool re-opens, controversy goes on

    Village Council will decide at its July 1 meeting when to remove the fence around the grassy area where herbicide was over-applied.

  • Pool closed 2 days after herbicide application— Spraying sparks controversy

    Several villagers spoke passionately and heatedly about their frustrations and fears around the Wednesday, June 12, overuse of herbicides on the grass around the Gaunt Park pool at Village Council’s June 17 meeting.

  • Cemetery expands in Township

    As the new stewards of the village’s most visible cemetery, the Miami Township Trustees began immediately preparing the property across the street on Xenia Avenue for more gravesites.

  • AGENDA for Council’s special meeting on herbicide use around pool

    Village Council will hold a special meeting on herbicide use around pool on Thursday, June 20, at 7 p.m. at Council chambers in the Bryan Center.

  • A new lighting look downtown

    Village electric crew members Dan Mayenschein (in bucket) Chris Hamilton and Jane Hamilton installed one of the three new streetlights on the north end of Xenia Avenue on Monday. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Villagers who venture downtown this week may notice that the Village electric crew finished installing three street lamps at the north end of downtown.

  • Village Council— Rehab option for water plant

    Regarding how best to source local water, Village Council may have the option of rehabbing the village’s current water plant.

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