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Infrastructure & Services Section :: Page 9

  • Construction on I–675 ramp expected this summer

    The commute of some villagers may be affected by construction slated for this summer and fall at the intersection of Dayton-Yellow Springs Road and Interstate 675.

  • Public is invited — New ways to fight weeds

    The last time the Village of Yellow Springs sprayed pesticides on public land commonly used by residents was on June 12, 2013. Five years later, Village practices have changed.

  • Utility bills spark upset

    Out of the village’s 2,200 households, almost 10 percent, or about 200, received letters this month warning of an impending utilities shut-off if the bill is not paid.

  • Yellow Springs’ new water plant is online

    Yellow Springs residents should notice changes in local tap water now that the new, long-awaited water plant is up and running, according to Village Manager Patti Bates recently.

  • New setting for water softeners

    Brown water continues to show up in areas around the village.

    With the Village of Yellow Springs’ new $7.2 million water plant now online, residents should adjust their water softeners to a new setting — 15 grains per gallon.

  • Village sidewalk projects aim for safety

    Several workers from Axis Civil Construction in Columbus poured concrete last week for a new sidewalk along the east side of Winter Street, part of the Safe Routes to School project. Shown above, crew leader Jacob Powell smoothed concrete after the pour. The project also includes a new section of sidewalk on Fairfield Pike from Fair Acres to Winter, in an effort to enhance safety for children walking to school. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Two construction projects now underway in Yellow Springs aim to make the village safer for walkers.

  • Let the sun shine…

    Pictured here in the first row are, from left, Village Manager Patti Bates, Superintendent of Electricity and Water Distribution Johnnie Burns (with big scissors), Council member Jerry Simms and Council President Karen Wintrow. Other Council members and project collaborators are also pictured. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    The Village’s new 1-megawatt solar array is now up and running on Village-owned property at Glass Farm.

  • Village solar field goes online

    Rows of shiny new solar panels on the Glass Farm are the latest and most visible symbol of the Village of Yellow Springs’ commitment to green energy.

  • Liquid asset

    Brad Ault (left), Village superintendent of water and wastewater, said this week that the new water plant will be in operation by the end of the year. Also pictured is John Christenson of the water and wastewater department. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Construction continues at the new $7.2 million Village water plant on Jacoby Road, which broke ground in September 2016.

  • Street paving to begin this month

    Paving will soon be scheduled for several village streets.

    Crews from Jurgensen Companies construction will be paving streets in the Village in the next few weeks.

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