Government Section :: Page 11
Salmerón appointed Greenbelt, Maryland city manager
Outgoing Yellow Springs Village Manager Josué Salmerón, who announced his resignation on Friday, July 21, has officially accepted the position of city manager of Greenbelt, Maryland, population 25,000.
Fire Chief Colin Altman to retire after 29 years
Chief Colin Altman is hanging up his turnout coat for good. After 29 years at the helm of Miami Township Fire-Rescue, Altman retires later this month.
Miami Township Trustees to change BZA procedures
The changes come following a June 5 meeting of the trustees in which local resident Steve Wirrig, owner of the Wirrig family pavilion between U.S. 68 North and Meredith Road, laid out concerns regarding the transparency of the BZA and the actions of Zoning Inspector Richard Zopf.
Emergency cooling shelters established
The John Bryan Community Center has been designated as a 24-hour emergency cooling center; Greene County Public Libraries are also designated as cooling centers during hours of operation.
Yellow Springs Village Manager Josué Salmerón resigns
After four years as Yellow Springs village manager, Josué Salmerón has resigned. His last day is Sept. 3.
Village Council responds to recent bike fatality
On Monday, July 17, Village Council once again turned its attention to traffic concerns in Yellow Springs — this time with added fervor and urgency stemming from a fatal incident that occurred earlier this month.
2023 General Election | Candidacy filing deadline looms
The filing period for the November municipal election is nearing its deadline. Those seeking candidacy have until Wednesday, Aug. 4, at 4 p.m., to file their petitions for election with the Greene County Board of Elections.
Miami Township Fire-Rescue to increase event staffing, permit costs
The cost of a festival permit, which is required by the Ohio Fire Code, or OFC, increased from a flat rate of $25 to $.08 per anticipated event attendee.
Village Council votes to raise rents at Lawson Place apartments
Residents at Lawson Place, the 16-unit apartment building owned by the Village, will soon see a 3% rent increase as the result of a unanimous vote at the Monday, July 3, Village Council meeting.
Yellow Springs water towers to be rehabbed, painted
On Wednesday, July 5, crews kicked off the two-year long process of rehabbing and painting the two Village water towers at Gaunt Park.
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