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Government Section :: Page 13

  • Village Council talks street safety

    In response to continued calls for monitoring and enforcement, Council members discussed options for slowing down traffic at their most recent meeting Monday, May 1.

  • Village Council to amend zoning code

    At Village Council’s regular meeting Monday, April 17, Council members heard two proposed ordinances to amend the Village zoning code.

  • Village Council | Proposed event fees raise concerns

    At the April 17 Village Council meeting, several business owners and village residents took Village Manager Josué Salmerón and Council members to task for a proposal that would require special event organizers to pay increased fees to host their events in Yellow Springs.

  • Village Council | Regular Meeting, April 3, 2023

    Business conducted at Village Council’s most recent regular meeting, Monday, April 3, included:

  • Village Council revisits itinerant vendor fees

    At the Village Council meeting on Monday, March 20, Council members discussed the merits of newly proposed legislation requiring vendors in the Village over the age of 17 to register and pay $50 annually.

  • Village Council adopts volunteer policy

    At their most recent meeting Monday, March 20, Village Council members unanimously approved a policy for those wishing to volunteer on Village-owned property. 

  • Planning Commission | Zoning amendments, senior housing move forward

    The plan for the proposed senior housing development includes 22 affordable duplex and triplex rental units earmarked for seniors and 10 two-story townhomes to be sold at low cost to qualifying buyers of varying age demographics.

  • Village Council considers gas aggregate program

    At their most recent meeting on Monday, March 6, Village Council members heard a presentation from Sustainable Ohio Public Energy Council, or SOPEC, about its gas aggregation program.

  • Police chief introduces therapy dog

    At the regular Council meeting on Monday, March 6, a new Village staffer was sworn in: two-year old Shazam, the front-running candidate for the Village’s new therapy dog program.

  • Village Council weighs income tax changes

    At their regular meeting on Monday, March 6, Village Council members weighed the impacts of a proposed ordinance that would lower by half the amount of income tax credit granted to individuals who work beyond Yellow Springs and pay taxes in other municipalities, from 100% to 50%.

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