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Government Section :: Page 12

  • Ohio Special Election | State Republicans push Issue 1

    In a special statewide election on Tuesday, Aug. 8, Ohio voters will approve or reject a proposed ballot initiative that will make it harder to amend the Ohio state constitution.

  • Local teen killed in crash

    On Tuesday, July 4, local resident Isaac Powers was struck by a vehicle while biking near Ellis Park. Powers, 15, was fatally injured in the crash.

  • Village Council checks in on water projects

    At the Tuesday, June 20, Village Council meeting, Council members discussed delays in two water projects the Village was hoping to complete by November 2023.

  • Planning and Zoning Administrator Swinger signs off

    Eight years and innumerable planning and zoning projects later, Swinger said her time has come to step down as a public servant. She is retiring later this month.

  • Village Council talks housing

    Members of Village Council continued their conversation about housing development on Village-owned property parcels at their most recent meeting Monday, June 5.

  • Village Council talks numbers

    On Monday, May 15, Council members heard reports from Finance Director Amy Kemper and Treasurer Judy Kintner. The main takeaway was this: money is coming in, and expenses have come in under budget, but the year has just begun.

  • Village electric crew gets the ‘gold’

    Reliability, safety, workforce development and system improvement — those are the four areas in which the Yellow Springs Electric Department was evaluated in order to receive an RP3 “Gold” designation from the American Public Power Association, or APPA.

  • Village of Yellow Springs adopts pesticide policy

    The policy was created to provide guidance for the Public Works Department after years of deliberation on the appropriate use of chemicals on Village properties.

  • Yellow Springs wins ‘best’ water

    At the Monday, May 15, Village Council meeting, Public Works Director Johnnie Burns opened the meeting with a celebration — Yellow Springs had won the Ohio Rural Water Association’s 2023 water tasting competition.

  • Village Council contributes $40,000 to YS Home, Inc., $5,000 to YS Pride

    At the most recent Village Council meeting on Monday, May 1, Council members voted to financially contribute $40,000 in support to local affordable housing developer Home, Inc. and $5,000 to local nonprofit YS Pride.

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