Government Section :: Page 148
Springfield man robs US Bank
Due largely to the testimony of a village resident and information from a security tape, on Tuesday, March 31, Yellow Springs police arrested a Springfield man who confessed to having robbed US Bank last week.
Council hears from visioning firms
On Monday, March 30, Village Council met in a special meeting with ACP, a Columbus firm that is one of two finalists for the job of leading Yellow Springs in a visioning and planning process. About 25 villagers attended the meeting, along with members of the Visioning Task Force, to hear ACP’s presentation and to ask questions.
‘09 budget includes funds for greenbelt, conservation
On Monday, March 16, Village Council unanimously approved the first reading of the 2009 Village budget. The budget includes a substantial allocation to the greenbelt fund, along with money to upgrade Village facilities for energy conservation and to fund a Village-wide visioning/planning process.
Planning Commission news—Senior apartments approved
After lengthy consideration over what most of the Village Planning Commission members said was a “disappointing” response from the developers to their concerns about the project, planners at their meeting Monday, March 9, approved final plans for the Friends Care Community senior apartments.
Green space, conservation added to Village budget
At their third and last budget workshop last Saturday, Feb. 28, Village Council members approved motions requesting that Village staff include in the 2009 budget $100,000 for green space and $50,000 to upgrade Village-owned facilities for energy conservation.
Council news—Visioning finalists chosen
At their Feb. 17 meeting, members of Village Council approved two firms as finalists for the job of leading the village in a visioning effort. The finalists are ACP Visioning and Planning of Columbus and a collaboration of the New Mexico-based Regenesis Group and Kinzelman Kline Gossman in Columbus.
Local access cable station at risk
Tune in to Yellow Springs’ public access television station and you might find a Village Council meeting, a Community Band performance or a local resident singing in the shower, viewed from the neck up, thanking the television audience for their patronage. (“Thank you, thank you very much. I’ll be here all week.”) At the same […]
Roads, security, visioning head Village capital projects
The repair of roads and sidewalks, the purchase of security and police equipment and the funding of a visioning process were the most expensive 2009 Village general fund capital projects proposed by Manager Mark Cundiff at a recent budget planning workshop.
2009 goals focus of Council
What is the best model for economic development for the village? How much of a priority should Council make green space preservation? How aggressive should the Village be in pursuing energy conservation practices and the use of alternative energy?
Shuman workshop generates potential business initiatives
These were a few of the possible new business opportunities that came out of “Going Local,” a weekend workshop with economist Michael Shuman. About 200 people attended a standing-room-only keynote talk last Friday night at the Glen Helen building, and 70 villagers took part in the workshop on Saturday and Sunday.
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