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Government Section :: Page 150

  • Local access cable station at risk

    Tune in to Yellow Springs’ public access television station and you might find a Village Council meeting, a Community Band performance or a local resident singing in the shower, viewed from the neck up, thanking the television audience for their patronage. (“Thank you, thank you very much. I’ll be here all week.”) At the same […]

  • Roads, security, visioning head Village capital projects

    The repair of roads and sidewalks, the purchase of security and police equipment and the funding of a visioning process were the most expensive 2009 Village general fund capital projects proposed by Manager Mark Cundiff at a recent budget planning workshop.

  • 2009 goals focus of Council

    What is the best model for economic development for the village? How much of a priority should Council make green space preservation? How aggressive should the Village be in pursuing energy conservation practices and the use of alternative energy?

  • Shuman workshop generates potential business initiatives

    These were a few of the possible new business opportunities that came out of “Going Local,” a weekend workshop with economist Michael Shuman. About 200 people attended a standing-room-only keynote talk last Friday night at the Glen Helen building, and 70 villagers took part in the workshop on Saturday and Sunday.

  • Council reviews the actions taken toward 2008 goals

    At the Jan. 5 meeting of Yellow Springs Village Council, Counci members reviewed the actions they took last year to address their 2008 Council goals.

  • Two men apprehended, confess to recent burglaries

    Yellow Springs police apprehended two Springfield men who confessed their involvement in the rash of burglaries that have been committed in the village over the past three to four months, Police Chief John Grote said on Tuesday morning.

  • Village should take lead in energy issues, group says

    The second phase report from the Electric System Task Force to Village Council recommends that the Village begin a longterm project to minimize its reliance on coal, provide as much electricity from alternative energy sources as possible…

  • Economic workshop debated

    At their Dec. 1 meeting, members of Village Council debated the possible outcomes of inviting economist Michael Shuman to the village for a workshop, and how to ensure that the event produces specific actions to strengthen the local economy.

  • Drug dogs may come to YSHS

    At their Nov. 13 meeting, members of the Yellow Springs Board of Education discussed bringing in trained dogs to search for drugs in Yellow Springs High School.

  • Well, it’s official: Obama Springs

    To the surprise of absolutely no one, Yellow Springs voters went overwhelmingly for Democrat Barack Obama in the presidential election last Tuesday, Nov. 4, with Obama receiving 10 votes for every one vote cast for Republican John McCain.

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