Government Section :: Page 152
Village police now using Tasers
The Yellow Springs Police Department began arming its officers with the stun guns better known as Tasers in August, and so far they have performed as they were designed, to reduce violent confrontations between officers and the public, according to Yellow Springs Police Chief John Grote.
Council, village to interview finalists for manager post
The search process for a new Village manager is moving along as scheduled, and in the coming weeks, villagers will have a chance to hear from the top three candidates firsthand. Last month Village Council narrowed 42 applications for the position down to three finalists…
Village crews commended on recovery job well done
The Village crews did an outstanding job getting the town’s electric system up and running after last week’s wind storm, Interim Village Manager John Weithofer said at the Village Council meeting on Thursday, Sept. 18.
Walnut St. repair ends soon
Local drivers should be able to stop dodging trucks and orange barrels soon, as the roadwork on Walnut and Elm Streets is expected to be completed by the end of this week, according to Village Assistant Planner Ed Amrhein.
Interview process set for Village manager candidates
At its Aug. 18 meeting, Village Council approved a process for interviewing the finalists for Village manager that includes a public forum for citizen participation. The manager search is being conducted by Don Vermillion of the University of Dayton, who Council previously hired to oversee the process.
Lightning powers down the village
Around 6:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 5, the entire village’s electric grid went dim, and then at 8:30 a.m. the village went dark. The howling storms the night before had “fried” the closer, or giant circuit breaker, on the DP&L substation on Snypp Road…
Council approves Village manager search survey
In the quest to find a new Village manager, Village Council at its meeting Monday, Aug. 4, approved a survey to gauge what Council members, Village staff and village residents care most about in a Village manager.
Barr conditions approved
At their July 21 meeting, Village Council members unanimously passed a resolution identifying conditions to be met for the Friends Care Community’s planned development for senior apartments.
Electronic voting questioned
In the wake of the Election-Related Equipment, Standards & Testing (EVEREST) study of Ohio’s electronic voting systems commissioned by Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner, the local group Greene County Citizens for Safe and Secure Elections…
Council moves toward hiring manager search consultant
At its July 7 meeting Yellow Springs Village Council officially hired its interim Village manager and also took a first step toward hiring a consultant to help search for a new Village manager.
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